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SSE/AVX accelerated implementation of recursive raytracing (a.k.a. Whitted Raytracing). Creative commons CC-BY-NC-SA licensed

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SSE/AVX accelerated implementation of recursive raytracing (a.k.a. Whitted Raytracing). Creative commons CC-BY-NC-SA licensed.

This is my private raytracing project for hobby and learning purposes only.



This repository uses another repository of mine ( as a submodule for the cmake modules contained in ./cmake.

You can either clone this repository with the submodules using git clone --recursive or alternatively run git submodule update --init --recursive if you cloned this repository without the --recursive parameter.

Prepare data folder

See instructions in data folder.

Install dependencies

If you open this repository as cmake project in Visual Studio, e.g. VS Community 2022,

  1. Install vcpkg.
  2. Add a VCPKG_DIR environment variable pointing to the directory, which contains the vcpkg.exe.
  3. Add the same directory to the PATH environment variable as well.
  4. Use the install-dependencies-with-vcpkg.bat script to provide the required dependencies.

With a local gcc setup, you can use the ./*.sh scripts, which will take care of providing the dependencies. You need to have gcc, cmake, and conan installed.

Compile binary

When using Visual Studio, have vcpkg installed as described above and in VS build the cmake project or run the rayreacerui.exe (sources\raytracerui\raytracerui.exe) target.

With a local gcc setup, you can use ./ or ./ to build or run the executable.

System Overview

The application is currently parted into three subprojects representing, each representing one of the three layers/components/parts:

  • vectorization is a static library for the fundamental support for SSE/AVX accelerated FP computations.

  • raytracing is a static library of the core of the raytracer backend. Here you will find the scene management, partitioning of the scene and its objects and the actual raytracer kernel, which is implemented as a Whitted-raytracer.

  • raytracerui contains the simple frontend and a basic setup of different scenes.

How to use

Mouse control

Holding left button:

  • moving the mouse rotates the camera

  • holding SHIFT and moving translates the camera forward (when moving right or up) or backward (when moving left or down)

  • holding CTRL and moving translates the camera sidewards or up and down

  • holding ALT and moving scales the world space (zooming in and out so to say)

Holding right button:

  • moving the mouse translates the last-added light object on the world's Z-axis

  • holding SHIFT and moving translates the last-added object on the world's Z-axis

Key controls

R - Reset camera to world's origin and rotation towards world's Z-axis

T - Enable/disable fast preview, enabled by default (limits output image size -> fewer traces to perform)

A - Half the sampling-factor, which halves the output size proportionally

S - Increase the sampling-factor by one, which increases the output size linearly

D - Decrease trace depth to have less reflection and transmission traces

F - Increase trace depth to have more reflections and transmissions details (at some trace depth the changes in the image output is negligible)

J - Decrease antialiasing factor to have fewer traces per image pixel

K - Increase antialiasing factor to enable anti aliased like sampling traces per image pixel

SPACE - Manually trigger trace again (f.e. to compare changes in trace time for the very same perspective)

ENTER - Manually trigger trace with disabled fast preview

For debugging purposes:

W - Write last raytracing output to file "raytraced.bmp" in current working directory

E - Cycle through the output types

  1. Raytraced image of the world
  2. Trace time map
  3. Trace depth map

Q - Change culling orientation

G - Decrease ray packet size (currently it has very less effect on the performance as packed raytracing is not really implemented)

H - Increase ray packet size again

Technology stack

The raytracer features:

  • A simple scene management (currently compile-time static)

  • KD-Tree-based partitioning API for generating and traversing acceleration structures

  • Traced reflections and transmissions

  • OpenMP simple parallelization

  • Simple BRDF lightning model

    • Schlick-Fresnel refraction

    • Phong-based specular reflections

    • Beer-Lambert-Law-based diffused and transmitted lightning

All or almost all math is implemented with intrinsic instructions (vectorization VC++-project as static library)

  • Use of SSE4, AVX and FMA instructions can be enabled at compile-time.

    • SSE4 is used by default.
  • Third party implementations sse_mathfun.h and avx_mathfun.h are used for vectorized exp and log functions

  • Unit tests are provided with Visual C++ component tests

The UI is implemented with the standard Windows API (raytracerui VC++-project as Windows executable)

  • Output of the raytracing can be blitted either with a GDI StretchDIBits or an OpenGL implementation (latter has no effect on the performance of the raytracing!)


Project is set up with The C++ CMake Project Template


SSE/AVX accelerated implementation of recursive raytracing (a.k.a. Whitted Raytracing). Creative commons CC-BY-NC-SA licensed







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