- Django (fullstack framework)
- Bootstrap (frontend framework)
- Django REST (django api framework)
- jQuery (javascript library)
- ajax (jquery asynchonous function)
- Finished Views, Models modules of Django framework
- Enabled Create, Update, Retreive and Delete function of tweets
- Base completed
- Improved Templates module of Django framework by querying Bootstrap
- Enabled Search function of tweets, which is filtering
- framework completed
- Finished inheritance of template modules
- Adopted REST framework
- Added REST serializers and updated user serializer
- Overwrote Django search/create/update functions with Ajax
- Frontend almost completed
- Enabled autosearch and showed chars left
- Applied Pagination feature to allow multiple page view and load more
- Added Accounts app to store user profile
- Modified model and views to enable multiple user relation and follow/unfollow toggle
- Applied Django view manager to manage multi-user relations
- User profile completed
- let's stop for a while, have McDonalds and continue at home
- Fixed home page to show only following tweets
- Introduced Hashtag feature
- Hashtag completed, still a long way to go
- Introduced retweet feature
- New feature retweet completed
- Added function to receive and add hashtags into database
- Introduced like/unlike feature
- Like unlike feature completed
- Introduced Reply feature
- Improved search function to display relevant tweets and their replies
- Introduced Recommendation feature
- Added Login/Logout/Register pages
- Completed!!
- Diff between serializer and models: model defines which data to store in backend database; serializer defines which data to grab from backend; ajax read from api serializer and render data into pages