If you've ever tried manually downloading many images from Twitter, you've probably wanted this tool
- Timelines: Download all (non-retweeted) images tweeted by a user - this is what you see when you scroll through https://twitter.com/(username)/media_timeline, combined with the search results of "from:(username) filter:media" sorted by "Latest"
- Searches: Download all search results for a search query (what you see when you scroll through the search results on Twitter sorted by "Latest")
- No restrictions that other tools have (e.g. ~3200 most recent tweets, tweets from the last ~7 days, etc.)
- Timestamps saved into image file metadata; all other Tweet data also saved locally
- "Timelines" and "Searches" are referred to as "query types"
- For timelines, "queries" refers to the usernames of the account timelines you'd like to download images for
- For searches, "queries" refers to the text you enter into the search bar on Twitter
- Put queries in "(query type)/(query_type).txt", one per line (no "@"s for usernames)
- This is the only thing you actually need to do
- Images are saved in "(query type)/(query)/"
- Tweet data is saved in "Tweets/(query type)/(query)/(query).ser"
- For example, if you want to archive all images tweeted by @realDonaldTrump:
- Create a directory named "Timelines" in the same directory as this program, (if it doesn't exist already)
- In the directory "Timelines", create a file named "Timelines.txt", (if it doesn't exist already)
- Open the file "Timelines.txt" and enter "realDonaldTrump" (no quotes), then save the file
- Run the program
- Images will be saved in "Timelines/realDonaldTrump/"
- Auto update
- Images from URLs in Tweet text (twitpic, imgur, etc.)
- Images liked/retweeted by a user
- gifs, videos
This project uses a modified version of Tom Dickinson's Twitter Search API for Java. He has some very helpful instructional posts at his blog.