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Sébastien Dancer-Michel's personal website


  1. Clone this repo — or copy the contents "devDependencies" into your package.json + copy any tasks you want from the "scripts" object into your package.json "scripts" object.
  2. Run sudo npm install
  3. Run any taks with npm run task where task is the name of the task from the "scripts" object.
  4. Quickstart: npm run postinstall -> NPM will build the project in the /dist folder and start a live-reloading server after.

Deploy with Now

  1. Install now with sudo npm i now -g
  2. Run now in your terminal. It will give you a unique URL and install/build/run your project automatically. Note: now will run 2 important tasks after install: build which will build the /dist directory, and start which will start the micro server using index.js.

List of available tasks


rm -f dist/{index.html,css/*,js/*,images/*}

Delete existing dist files


postcss -u autoprefixer -r dist/css/*

Add vendor prefixes to your CSS automatically


node-sass --output-style compressed -o dist/css src/scss

Compile Scss to CSS


eslint src/js

"Lint" your JavaScript to enforce a uniform style and find errors


mkdir -p dist/js && uglifyjs src/js/*.js -m -o dist/js/app.js && uglifyjs src/js/*.js -m -c -o dist/js/app.min.js

Uglify (minify) a production ready bundle of JavaScript


imagemin src/images/* -o dist/images

Compress all types of images


svgo -f src/images/icons && mkdir -p dist/images && svg-sprite-generate -d src/images/icons -o dist/images/icons.svg

Compress separate SVG files and combine them into one SVG "sprite"


browser-sync start --server --files 'dist/css/*.css, dist/js/*.js, **/*.html, !node_modules/**/*.html'

Start a new server and watch for CSS & JS file changes in the dist folder


serve -p 4444'

Serve entire project on a local URL on port 4444, does not watch for changes


pug --output-style compressed -o dist/ src/pug/*.pug

Compiles index.pug into dist/index.html


npm run scss && npm run autoprefixer

Alias to run the scss and autoprefixer tasks. Compiles Scss to CSS & add vendor prefixes


npm run lint && npm run concat && npm run uglify

Alias to run the lint, concat and uglify tasks. Lints JS, combines src JS files & uglifies the output


npm run imagemin && npm run icons

Alias to run the imagemin and icons tasks. Compresses images, generates an SVG sprite from a folder of separate SVGs


npm run build:css && npm run build:js && npm run build:images

Alias to run all of the build commands


onchange \"src/pug\" -- npm run build:pug

Watches for any .pug file in src to change, then run the build:pug task


onchange 'src/**/*.scss' -- npm run build:css

Watches for any .scss file in src to change, then runs the build:css task


onchange 'src/**/*.js' -- npm run build:js

Watches for any .js file in src to change, then runs the build:js task


onchange 'src/images/**/*' -- npm run build:images

Watches for any images in src to change, then runs the build:images task


npm-run-all -p bsync watch:pug watch:css watch:js watch:images

Run the following tasks simultaneously: serve, watch:pug, watch:css, watch:js & watch:images. When a .pug, .scss or .js file changes in src or an image changes in src/images, the task will compile the changes to dist, and the server will be notified of the change. Any browser connected to the server will then inject the new file from dist


npm run build:all && npm run watch:all

Runs watch:all after npm install is finished


node --harmony-async-await index

Start the micro server (used by now)


npm run postinstall

Will build project (used by now)