A simple golang program for ingesting KumoMTA log webhook and inserting them into a PostgreSQL database.
$ export DATABASE_URL='postgresql://username:password@host:port/db_name?sslmode=disable'
$ export LISTEN_ADDR='localhost:3000'
$ go build main.go
$ ./main
Add the following code in init.lua
, before setting up the queue helper. Learn more about KumoMTA webhooks.
-- Replace with the actual address of the postgres ingestion program
local LOG_WEBHOOK_URL = 'http://localhost:3000'
-- IMPORTANT: This needs to be before defining the queue helper.
log_hooks:new_json {
name = "postgres-webhook",
-- log_parameters are combined with the name and
-- passed through to kumo.configure_log_hook
log_parameters = {
-- Replace with the headers you want to have in postgres
headers = { 'Subject', 'From', 'Message-Id', 'References', 'In-Reply-To' },
-- Add meta that you want to have in postgres
meta = { 'tenant', 'domain_id', 'customer_id', 'direction', 'metadata_retention', 'data_retention', 'tags' }
-- queue config are passed to kumo.make_queue_config.
-- You can use these to override the retry parameters
-- if you wish.
-- The defaults are shown below.
queue_config = {
retry_interval = "1m",
max_retry_interval = "20m",
-- The URL to POST the JSON to