The file will take a current Ubuntu server to be a fully operational ELK stack with all the needed plugins and filters to accept SRX flow, web filtering and application logs.
Download the file and execute it as root.
set security log mode stream
set security log source-address <ip address of SRX source>
set security log stream ELK format sd-syslog
set security log stream ELK host <ip address of ELK server>
set security log stream ELK host port 5140
set security utm feature-profile web-filtering type juniper-enhanced
set security utm utm-policy custom-utm-policy web-filtering http-profile junos-wf-enhanced-default
set security policies from-zone Trust to-zone Untrust policy web-traffic match source-address any
set security policies from-zone Trust to-zone Untrust policy web-traffic match destination-address any
set security policies from-zone Trust to-zone Untrust policy web-traffic match application junos-http
set security policies from-zone Trust to-zone Untrust policy web-traffic then permit application-services utm-policy custom-utm-policy
set security policies from-zone Trust to-zone Untrust policy web-traffic then log session-init
set security policies from-zone Trust to-zone Untrust policy web-traffic then log session-close