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What is "accuracy"? The effect of changing the decision threshold on a model's accuracy.

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What is "model accuracy", really?

In the book Responsible Machine Learning, when discussing trust and risk, the authors recommend a list of questions to ask to understand the risk of a machine learning (ML) deployment.

One of the questions is "What is the quality of the model? (Accuracy, AUC/ROC, F1)". These metrics compare correct and incorrect predictions of a model.

But how exactly a model determines what a correct prediction is?

Here we will analyze the effect of an important factor a model uses to decide the correct prediction (label) for classification problems, the decision threshold. We will see that without understanding how a model decides what "correct" is, talking about the model accuracy is premature.

We use accuracy in this text as the number of correct predictions on the test set, divided by the number of instances in the test set.

             Number of correct predictions
accuracy = ---------------------------- ------
                  Number of instances

To illustrate the discussion, we will use an image classification model (the code is in this Jupyter notebook).

(Simplification disclaimer: there are other types of problems, e.g. regression, and other types of models -- we are simplifying to expose the main concept.)

A typical image classification problem, taught early in machine learning, is digit classification with the MNIST dataset. The dataset looks like this (a small sample - the dataset has 70,000 images):


In an image classification problem, we train a model to identify an image's class (label). In this case, there are ten classes, one for each digit (from zero to nine).

    Digit classification model

This is an actual digit from MNIST. The model correctly classifies it as the digit "2".

    Classification example

A neural network has several hidden layers to extract ("learn") features from the images. The very last layer is the one that classifies the image. In this case, we are classifying ten classes (ten digits). Therefore the last layer has ten neurons, one for each digit.

    Classification layer

Because we want to know what digit it is, we use softmax activation in the last layer to give us a probability distribution of each class. The model is confident that the image is a number "2" in the case below.

    Model classification certain

For other images, the model may not be so confident.

    Model classification not certain

In those cases, how should we decide what the label is?

    Model classification - how to decide

Most of the time, the class with the largest probability is used as the label. In this example, the model classifies the image as the digit "2".

    Model classification - largest probability

But what should the model do when the largest probability is not that high and is close to the probability of other classes?

    Model classification - uncertain

In the example below, the largest probability is for the class "9", but it is not even 50% and the probability for class "4" is not too far behind. The model does not have high confidence in this prediction.

    Model classification - uncertain

What should we do in these cases?

To solve those cases we usually pick a threshold for the decision. Instead of simply using the class with the maximum probability, we select the largest probability above the threshold we chose. If we choose 50% as the threshold, in the number "2" example above, we can still classify the image as the number "2".

    Model classification - above threshold

But now we no longer classify the ambiguous image as a number "9". In this case, we would not make a decision at all.

    Model classification - below threshold

But what threshold do we pick?

It depends. For high-stakes applications, where wrong decisions have severe consequences, we want to be very confident in the model's prediction.

For example, for an automatic check deposit application, we want the model to be at least 99% confident of the prediction. Any image below that threshold is sent to human review.

    Model classification - high stakes

Effect of different thresholds

The higher the threshold for the decision, the fewer images the model can classify. For the model used in these examples, this is the effect of different thresholds on the model's accuracy (the exact numbers may vary a bit from one run to another, but the relative differences will be about the same).

Threshold Accuracy
99.99% 48.7%
99.9% 75.6%
99% 90.0%
90% 96.4%
80% 97.8%
75% 97.8%
67% 98.2%
50% 98.8%

Asking questions about "accuracy"

The one-line takeaway: to use a model responsibly we must ask questions about how its accuracy was measured and not just accept published numbers.

  1. How predictions are being made: is it probability-based (as in the examples above)? Something else?
  2. What factors control the predictions: is it threshold-based or some other decision (e.g. argmax)? If it is threshold-based, what are the thresholds?

"We achieved 99.9% accuracy on [some task here]" means nothing if it's not accompanied by a detailed description of what a "correct prediction" is for the model.

What to use instead of accuracy?

Balanced datasets have similar numbers of instances for each class. For these cases, a better alternative to accuracy is the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (for a simpler introduction, see this page). The ROC curve shows, at a glance, how a model behaves with different thresholds.

Imbalanced datasets have a large number of instances for one of the classes and a small number of instances for the other classes. They are typical in healthcare applications where a specific condition affects only a small portion of the population. Accuracy is an especially flawed metric for imbalanced datasets. For example, if a disease affects only 0.1% of the population, a "classifier" that always returns "no disease" without even looking at the data is 99.9% "accurate". In these cases, the precision and recall are better metrics. The Precision-Recall Plot is More Informative than the ROC Plot when Evaluating Binary Classifiers on Imbalanced Datasets explains in detail and using concrete examples why should prefer the precision-recall plot for imbalanced datasets.

Every scientific paper that describes a model should publish the ROC or precision-recall curve. Papers that publish only the accuracy for the model, and especially papers that publish the accuracy without specifying the threshold, are, at best, incomplete. At worst, they were written by uninformed machine learning novices.


A six-minute video version of this content is available on YouTube.

Running the example

If you want to try the example on your own:

  1. Clone this repository
  2. cd <folder for the cloned repository>
  3. Create a Python environment: python3 -m venv env
  4. Activate the environment: source env/bin/activate (Mac and Linux), or env\Scripts\activate.bat (Windows)
  5. Upgrade pip (or TensorFlow installation may fail): pip install --upgrade pip
  6. Install dependencies (only once): pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. Run the notebook: jupyter lab


What is "accuracy"? The effect of changing the decision threshold on a model's accuracy.







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