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Fauna CLI

This tools gives you access to Fauna directly from your CLI.

It also includes a Shell so you can issue queries to Fauna without needing to install additional libraries.

You can install it via npm like this:

$ npm install -g fauna-shell

You can upgrade like this:

$ npm update -g fauna-shell


The Fauna CLI allows you to do issue queries, modify database schema, and create keys and databases.

First lets configure our connection to a Fauna account. If you don't have an account, you can create a free one here.

To log in, run the following command:

$ fauna cloud-login

You will be prompted for your email and password from your Fauna account.

Now that we have an endpoint to connect to we can try to create a database to start interacting with Fauna.

This is how you can create a database called my_app:

$ fauna create-database my_app
creating database my_app

created database my_app

To start a shell with your new database, run:

	fauna shell my_app

Or, to create an application key for your database, run:

	fauna create-key my_app

Now, you can start a shell within that database.

$ fauna shell my_app
my_app> Collection.create({ name: "Users" })
  name: "Users",
  coll: Collection,
  ts: Time("2023-10-03T02:40:37.060Z"),
  indexes: {},
  constraints: []

You can also list your databases:

$ fauna list-databases
listing databases

You can delete a particular database:

$ fauna delete-database my_other_app
deleting database 'my_other_app'
database 'my_other_app' deleted

And you can create, list, and delete keys.

This is how you create a key for the database my_app:

$ fauna create-key my_app
creating key for database 'my_app' with role 'admin'

created key for database 'my_app' with role 'admin'.
secret: fnAFPULk2WAAQY9t4x0tduzuz85gC-suDbTnl7um # this will be different

To access 'my_app' with this key, create a client using
the driver library for your language of choice using
the above secret.

This is how to list keys:

$ fauna list-keys
listing keys
Key ID               Database             Role
203269476002562560   my_app               admin
203269731203940864   my_app               admin
203269732275585536   my_app               admin
203269735610057216   test                 admin

And then delete the key with id: 200219702370238976:

$ fauna delete-key 200219702370238976
deleting key 200219702370238976
key 200219702370238976 deleted

See Commands for a list of commands and help on their usage.


To use Fauna Shell, you must have Node.js v20.x or later.


The Fauna Shell lets you issue queries directly to your Fauna database without the need for installing additional libraries.

Let's create a database and then we'll jump straight into the Shell to start playing with Fauna's data model.

$ fauna create-database my_app

Our next step is to start the shell for a specific database, in this case my_app:

$ fauna shell my_app
Starting shell for database my_app
Connected to
Type Ctrl+D or .exit to exit the shell

Once you have the prompt ready, you can start issues queries against your Fauna database. Note that the results shown here might vary from the ones you see while running the examples.

my_app> Collection.create({ name: "Post" })
  name: "Post",
  coll: Collection,
  ts: Time("2023-08-15T16:06:01.120Z"),
  indexes: {},
  constraints: []

Let's create an index for our collection Post.

my_app> Post.definition.update({ indexes: { byTitle: { terms: [{ field: ".title" }] } } })
  name: "Post",
  coll: Collection,
  ts: Time("2023-08-15T16:07:10.800Z"),
  indexes: {
    byTitle: {
      terms: [
          field: ".title"
      queryable: true,
      status: "complete"
  constraints: []

Let's insert a new Post document:

my_app> Post.create({ title: "What I had for breakfast .." })
  id: "373143369066480128",
  coll: Post,
  ts: Time("2023-08-15T16:14:57.440Z"),
  title: "What I had for breakfast .."

We can also insert items in bulk by using iterator functions on arrays.

my_app> [
  "My cat and other marvels",
  "Pondering during a commute",
  "Deep meanings in a latte"
].map(title => Post.create({ title: title }))
    id: "373143473418666496",
    coll: Post,
    ts: Time("2023-08-15T16:16:36.960Z"),
    title: "My cat and other marvels"
    id: "373143473419715072",
    coll: Post,
    ts: Time("2023-08-15T16:16:36.960Z"),
    title: "Pondering during a commute"
    id: "373143473420763648",
    coll: Post,
    ts: Time("2023-08-15T16:16:36.960Z"),
    title: "Deep meanings in a latte"

Now let's try to fetch our post about latte. We need to access it by id like this:

my_app> Post.byId("373143473420763648")
  id: "373143473420763648",
  coll: Post,
  ts: Time("2023-08-15T16:16:36.960Z"),
  title: "Deep meanings in a latte"

Now let's update our post about our cat, by adding some tags:

my_app> Post.byId("373143473420763648")!.update({ tags: ["cute", "pet"] })
  id: "373143473420763648",
  coll: Post,
  ts: Time("2023-08-15T16:17:41Z"),
  title: "Deep meanings in a latte",
  tags: [

And now let's try to change the content of that post:

my_app> Post.byId("373143473418666496")!.replace({ title: "My dog and other marvels" })
  id: "373143473418666496",
  coll: Post,
  ts: Time("2023-08-15T16:18:32.680Z"),
  title: "My dog and other marvels"

Now let's try to delete our post about latte:

my_app> Post.byId("373143473420763648")!.delete()
Post.byId("373143473420763648") /* not found */

If we try to fetch it, we will receive a null document:

my_app> Post.byId("373143473420763648")
Post.byId("373143473420763648") /* not found */

Finally you can exit the shell by pressing ctrl+d.

Connecting to different endpoints

We can add endpoints by calling the following command endpoint add. This is meant to be used when connecting to a docker container.

$ fauna endpoint add
? Endpoint name localhost
? Database URL http://localhost:8443
? Database Secret secret
Checking secret... done
? Make this endpoint default [no]
Saved endpoint localhost to ~/.fauna-shell

The endpoint name is an arbitrary name that can be used in the --endpoint flag of other commands. The database URL should typically be http://localhost:8443 or, although it can be set to any URL to a fauna instance. The database secret is the secret used to authenticate with that database.

An endpoint can be set as the default, in which case fauna shell and fauna eval will choose that endpoint by default.

Endpoints can be listed with the endpoint list command like this:

$ fauna endpoint list
* cloud

There we see that the cloud endpoint has a * next to its name, meaning that it's the current default one.

Finally, endpoints will be saved to a ~/.fauna-shell file like this:




Connecting to local endpoints

If you are running Fauna locally using our Docker image, you will need to configure the CLI to work with local endpoints so you can interact with the database running in the Docker container.

The docker container is explained in depth here:

Once you've installed the Shell and logged in, you can configure it by doing the following:

By default, the Fauna Docker image serves data via port 8443. To add a connection to this port, run fauna endpoint add. The Database URL should be http://localhost:8443 (the default), and the database secret should be secret by default.

$ fauna endpoint add
? Endpoint name localhost
? Database URL http://localhost:8443
? Database Secret secret
Checking secret... done
? Make this endpoint default [no]
Saved endpoint localhost to ~/.fauna-shell

Now, you can interact with your local database through the Fauna Shell by running the command below:

fauna shell --endpoint localhost

Overriding Connection Parameters

Most commands support the following options. You can specify them if you want to connect to a local instance of Fauna.

  --endpoint=name      Selects an endpoint from ~/.fauna-shell
  --endpointURL=domain Overrides the `url` setting in the selected endpoint.
  --secret=secret      Overrides the `secret` setting in the selected endpoint.
  --timeout=timeout    [default: 5000] Connection timeout in milliseconds

--endpoint doesn't need to be set if --endpointURL and --secret are provided.

They can be used like this:

$ fauna create-database testdb --endpointURL= --secret=YOUR_FAUNA_SECRET_KEY --timeout=42

You could select another endpoint from ~/.fauna-shell using --endpoint:

$ fauna shell --endpoint=localhost

Any options that are not specified either via the .fauna-shell config file or the CLI will be set to the defaults offered by the JS driver.

Executing queries from a file

You can also tell the shell to execute a list of queries that you have stored in a file. For example, you can have a file that creates a collection called setup.fql:

  name: "Post",
  indexes: {
    byTitle: {
      terms: [{ field: ".title" }]

Once the collection is created, you can execute queries against it in another .fql file:

  title: "What I had for breakfast .."

  "My cat and other marvels",
  "Pondering during a commute",
  "Deep meanings in a latte",
].map(title => {
    title: title

You can tell Fauna Shell to execute all those queries for you by running the following command:

$ fauna eval my_app --file=./setup.fql
$ fauna eval my_app --file=./queries.fql

Where my_app is the name of your database, and ./queries.fql is the path to the file where you saved the queries. If my_app is left out it will execute the queries file on the default fauna shell endpoint.

List of Commands

fauna add-endpoint [NAME]

Add an endpoint to ~/.fauna-shell.

  $ fauna add-endpoint [NAME] [--non-interactive --url <value> --secret <value>] [--set-default]

  NAME  Endpoint name

  --non-interactive  Disables interaction
  --secret=<value>   Database secret
  --set-default      Sets this environment as the default
  --url=<value>      Database URL

  Add an endpoint to ~/.fauna-shell.

  $ fauna add-endpoint

  $ fauna endpoint add

  $ fauna endpoint add localhost --url http://localhost:8443/ --secret secret

  $ fauna endpoint add localhost --set-default

fauna cloud-login

Log in to a Fauna account.

  $ fauna cloud-login

  Log in to a Fauna account.

  $ fauna cloud-login

See code: dist/commands/cloud-login.ts

fauna create-database DBNAME

Create a database.

  $ fauna create-database DBNAME [--url <value>] [--timeout <value>] [--secret <value>] [--endpoint <value>]
    [--environment <value>]

  DBNAME  database name

  --endpoint=<value>     Connection endpoint, from ~/.fauna-shell
  --environment=<value>  Environment to use, from a Fauna project
  --secret=<value>       Secret key. Overrides the `secret` in ~/.fauna-shell
  --timeout=<value>      Connection timeout in milliseconds
  --url=<value>          Database URL. Overrides the `url` in ~/.fauna-shell

  Create a database.

  $ fauna create-database dbname

See code: dist/commands/create-database.ts

fauna create-key DBNAME [ROLE]

Create a key for the specified database.

  $ fauna create-key DBNAME [ROLE] [--url <value>] [--timeout <value>] [--secret <value>] [--endpoint <value>]
    [--environment <value>]

  DBNAME  database name
  ROLE    (admin|server|server-readonly|client) key user role

  --endpoint=<value>     Connection endpoint, from ~/.fauna-shell
  --environment=<value>  Environment to use, from a Fauna project
  --secret=<value>       Secret key. Overrides the `secret` in ~/.fauna-shell
  --timeout=<value>      Connection timeout in milliseconds
  --url=<value>          Database URL. Overrides the `url` in ~/.fauna-shell

  Create a key for the specified database.

  $ fauna create-key dbname admin

See code: dist/commands/create-key.ts

fauna default-endpoint [NAME]

Set an endpoint as the default one.

  $ fauna default-endpoint [NAME]

  NAME  New default endpoint

  Set an endpoint as the default one.

  $ fauna default-endpoint

  $ fauna endpoint select

  $ fauna endpoint select endpoint

fauna delete-database DBNAME

Delete a database.

  $ fauna delete-database DBNAME [--url <value>] [--timeout <value>] [--secret <value>] [--endpoint <value>]
    [--environment <value>]

  DBNAME  database name

  --endpoint=<value>     Connection endpoint, from ~/.fauna-shell
  --environment=<value>  Environment to use, from a Fauna project
  --secret=<value>       Secret key. Overrides the `secret` in ~/.fauna-shell
  --timeout=<value>      Connection timeout in milliseconds
  --url=<value>          Database URL. Overrides the `url` in ~/.fauna-shell

  Delete a database.

  $ fauna delete-database dbname

See code: dist/commands/delete-database.ts

fauna delete-endpoint NAME

Remove an endpoint from ~/.fauna-shell.

  $ fauna delete-endpoint NAME

  NAME  Endpoint name

  Remove an endpoint from ~/.fauna-shell.

  $ fauna delete-endpoint

  $ fauna endpoint remove my_endpoint

fauna delete-key KEYNAME

Delete a key.

  $ fauna delete-key KEYNAME [--url <value>] [--timeout <value>] [--secret <value>] [--endpoint <value>]
    [--environment <value>]

  KEYNAME  key name

  --endpoint=<value>     Connection endpoint, from ~/.fauna-shell
  --environment=<value>  Environment to use, from a Fauna project
  --secret=<value>       Secret key. Overrides the `secret` in ~/.fauna-shell
  --timeout=<value>      Connection timeout in milliseconds
  --url=<value>          Database URL. Overrides the `url` in ~/.fauna-shell

  Delete a key.

  $ fauna delete-key 123456789012345678

See code: dist/commands/delete-key.ts

fauna endpoint add [NAME]

Add an endpoint to ~/.fauna-shell.

  $ fauna endpoint add [NAME] [--non-interactive --url <value> --secret <value>] [--set-default]

  NAME  Endpoint name

  --non-interactive  Disables interaction
  --secret=<value>   Database secret
  --set-default      Sets this environment as the default
  --url=<value>      Database URL

  Add an endpoint to ~/.fauna-shell.

  $ fauna add-endpoint

  $ fauna endpoint add

  $ fauna endpoint add localhost --url http://localhost:8443/ --secret secret

  $ fauna endpoint add localhost --set-default

fauna endpoint list

List endpoints in ~/.fauna-shell.

  $ fauna endpoint list

  List endpoints in ~/.fauna-shell.

  $ fauna list-endpoints

  $ fauna endpoint list

fauna endpoint remove NAME

Remove an endpoint from ~/.fauna-shell.

  $ fauna endpoint remove NAME

  NAME  Endpoint name

  Remove an endpoint from ~/.fauna-shell.

  $ fauna delete-endpoint

  $ fauna endpoint remove my_endpoint

fauna endpoint select [NAME]

Set an endpoint as the default one.

  $ fauna endpoint select [NAME]

  NAME  New default endpoint

  Set an endpoint as the default one.

  $ fauna default-endpoint

  $ fauna endpoint select

  $ fauna endpoint select endpoint

fauna environment add

Add a new environment to .fauna-project.

  $ fauna environment add [--non-interactive --name <value> --endpoint <value> --database <value>] [--set-default]

  --database=<value>  Database path to use in this environment
  --endpoint=<value>  Endpoint to use in this environment
  --name=<value>      New environment name
  --non-interactive   Disable interaction
  --set-default       Set this environment as the default

  Add a new environment to `.fauna-project`.

  $ fauna environment add

  $ fauna environment add --name my-app --endpoint dev --database my-database

  $ fauna environment add --name my-app --endpoint dev --database my-database --set-default

fauna environment list

List environments available in .fauna-project.

  $ fauna environment list

  List environments available in `.fauna-project`.

  $ fauna environment list

fauna environment select ENVIRONMENT

Update the default environment in .fauna-project.

  $ fauna environment select ENVIRONMENT

  ENVIRONMENT  The new default environment to use

  Update the default environment in `.fauna-project`.

  $ fauna environment select my-environment

fauna eval [DBNAME] [QUERY]

Evaluate the given query.

  $ fauna eval [DBNAME] [QUERY] [--url <value>] [--timeout <value>] [--secret <value>] [--endpoint
    <value>] [--environment <value>] [--file <value>] [--stdin] [--output <value>] [--format json|json-tagged|shell]
    [--version 4|10] [--typecheck]

  DBNAME  Database name
  QUERY   FQL query to execute

  --endpoint=<value>     Connection endpoint, from ~/.fauna-shell
  --environment=<value>  Environment to use, from a Fauna project
  --file=<value>         File where to read queries from
  --format=<option>      Output format
                         <options: json|json-tagged|shell>
  --output=<value>       File to write output to
  --secret=<value>       Secret key. Overrides the `secret` in ~/.fauna-shell
  --stdin                Read file input from stdin. Writes to stdout by default
  --timeout=<value>      Connection timeout in milliseconds
  --typecheck            Enable typechecking
  --url=<value>          Database URL. Overrides the `url` in ~/.fauna-shell
  --version=<option>     [default: 10] FQL Version
                         <options: 4|10>

  Evaluate the given query.

  $ fauna eval "Collection.all()"

  $ fauna eval nestedDbName "Collection.all()"

  $ fauna eval --file=/path/to/queries.fql

  $ echo "1 + 1" | fauna eval

  $ fauna eval "2 + 3" --output=/tmp/result"

  $ fauna eval "2 + 3" --format=json --output=/tmp/result"

See code: dist/commands/eval.ts

fauna help [COMMANDS]

Display help for fauna.

  $ fauna help [COMMANDS] [-n]

  COMMANDS  Command to show help for.

  -n, --nested-commands  Include all nested commands in the output.

  Display help for fauna.

See code: dist/commands/help.ts

fauna import

Import data to Fauna.

  $ fauna import --path <value> [--url <value>] [--timeout <value>] [--secret <value>] [--endpoint <value>]
    [--environment <value>] [--db <value>] [--collection <value>] [--type <value>] [--append] [--allow-short-rows]
    [--dry-run] [--treat-empty-csv-cells-as empty|null]

      Allows rows which are shorter than the number of headers

      Allows appending documents to a non-empty collection

      Collection name. When not specified, the collection name is the filename.

      Child database name; imported documents are stored in this database

      Dry run the import - committing no documents to Fauna but converting all items to Fauna's format and applying all
      requested --type conversions. Enables you to detect issues with your file(s) before writing to your collection(s).

      Connection endpoint, from ~/.fauna-shell

      Environment to use, from a Fauna project

      (required) Path to .csv/.json file, or path to folder containing .csv/.json files. if the path is to a folder,
      sub-folders will be skipped.

      Secret key. Overrides the `secret` in ~/.fauna-shell

      Connection timeout in milliseconds

      [default: null] Treat empty csv cells as empty strings or null, default is null.
      <options: empty|null>

      Column type casting - converts the column value to a Fauna type. Available only in CSVs; will be ignored in
      json/jsonl inputs. Null values will be treated as null and no conversion will be performed.
      Format: <column>::<type>
      <column>: the name of the column to cast values
      <type>: one of
      'number' - convert string to number
      'bool' - convert 'true', 't', 'yes', or '1' to true and all other values to false (saving null which will be treated
      as null)
      'dateString' - convert a ISO-8601 or RFC-2822 date string to a Fauna Time; will make a best effort on other formats,
      'dateEpochMillis' - converts milliseconds since the epoch to a Fauna Time
      'dateEpochSeconds' - converts seconds since the epoch to a Fauna Time

      Database URL. Overrides the `url` in ~/.fauna-shell

  Import data to Fauna.

  You can combine the options in any manner of you're choosing (although type translations cannot be applied to JSON or JSONL files). Below are examples.

   ... File import examples

  Import a file into a new collection - given the same name as the file:

  $ fauna import --path ./collection_name.csv

  Append a file into a pre-existing collection - having the same name as the file:

  $ fauna import --append --path ./collection.csv

  Import a file into a new collection named "SampleCollection" in the child database "sampleDB":

  $ fauna import --db=sampleDB --collection=SampleCollection --path ./datafile.csv

  Import a file into a new collection named "SampleCollection" in the child database "sampleDB":

  $ fauna import --type=iso8601_date::dateString --type=hdr2::number --type=hdrX::bool --path ./collection.csv

   ... Directory import examples

  Import a directory - creating a new collection "SampleCollection" with data from every file in the directory:

  $ fauna import --path ./my_directory --collection=SampleCollection

  Import a directory - creating appending to the pre-existing collection "SampleCollection" with data from every file in the directory:

  $ fauna import --path ./my_directory --collection=SampleCollection --append

  Import a directory - creating creating a new collection named after the file name of each file:

  $ fauna import --path ./my_directory

  Import a directory - creating appending to pre-existing collections named after the file name of each file:

  $ fauna import --path ./my_directory --append

See code: dist/commands/import.ts

fauna list-databases

List child databases in the current database.

  $ fauna list-databases [--url <value>] [--timeout <value>] [--secret <value>] [--endpoint <value>] [--environment

  --endpoint=<value>     Connection endpoint, from ~/.fauna-shell
  --environment=<value>  Environment to use, from a Fauna project
  --secret=<value>       Secret key. Overrides the `secret` in ~/.fauna-shell
  --timeout=<value>      Connection timeout in milliseconds
  --url=<value>          Database URL. Overrides the `url` in ~/.fauna-shell

  List child databases in the current database.

  $ fauna list-databases

See code: dist/commands/list-databases.ts

fauna list-endpoints

List endpoints in ~/.fauna-shell.

  $ fauna list-endpoints

  List endpoints in ~/.fauna-shell.

  $ fauna list-endpoints

  $ fauna endpoint list

fauna list-keys

List keys in the current database.

  $ fauna list-keys [--url <value>] [--timeout <value>] [--secret <value>] [--endpoint <value>] [--environment

  --endpoint=<value>     Connection endpoint, from ~/.fauna-shell
  --environment=<value>  Environment to use, from a Fauna project
  --secret=<value>       Secret key. Overrides the `secret` in ~/.fauna-shell
  --timeout=<value>      Connection timeout in milliseconds
  --url=<value>          Database URL. Overrides the `url` in ~/.fauna-shell

  List keys in the current database.

  $ fauna list-keys

See code: dist/commands/list-keys.ts

fauna project init [PROJECTDIR]

Initialize a project directory by generating a .fauna-project file.

  $ fauna project init [PROJECTDIR]

  PROJECTDIR  The directory to initialize as a fauna project.  If not provided will default to the current directory.

  Initialize a project directory by generating a .fauna-project file.

  $ fauna project init

  $ fauna project init path/to/some/other/dir

fauna run-queries [DBNAME] [QUERY]

Run the queries found on the file passed to the command.

  $ fauna run-queries [DBNAME] [QUERY] --file <value> [--url <value>] [--timeout <value>] [--secret <value>]
    [--endpoint <value>] [--environment <value>] [--stdin] [--output <value>] [--format json|json-tagged|shell]
    [--version 4|10] [--typecheck]

  DBNAME  Database name
  QUERY   FQL query to execute

  --endpoint=<value>     Connection endpoint, from ~/.fauna-shell
  --environment=<value>  Environment to use, from a Fauna project
  --file=<value>         (required) File where to read queries from
  --format=<option>      Output format
                         <options: json|json-tagged|shell>
  --output=<value>       File to write output to
  --secret=<value>       Secret key. Overrides the `secret` in ~/.fauna-shell
  --stdin                Read file input from stdin. Writes to stdout by default
  --timeout=<value>      Connection timeout in milliseconds
  --typecheck            Enable typechecking
  --url=<value>          Database URL. Overrides the `url` in ~/.fauna-shell
  --version=<option>     [default: 10] FQL Version
                         <options: 4|10>

  Run the queries found on the file passed to the command.

  $ fauna run-queries dbname --file=/path/to/queries.fql

See code: dist/commands/run-queries.ts

fauna schema diff

Print the diff between local and remote schema.

  $ fauna schema diff [--url <value>] [--timeout <value>] [--secret <value>] [--endpoint <value>] [--environment
    <value>] [--dir <value>]

  --dir=<value>          The directory of .fsl files to push. Defaults to the directory of `.fauna-project`
  --endpoint=<value>     Connection endpoint, from ~/.fauna-shell
  --environment=<value>  Environment to use, from a Fauna project
  --secret=<value>       Secret key. Overrides the `secret` in ~/.fauna-shell
  --timeout=<value>      Connection timeout in milliseconds
  --url=<value>          Database URL. Overrides the `url` in ~/.fauna-shell

  Print the diff between local and remote schema.

  $ fauna schema diff

  $ fauna schema diff --dir schemas/myschema

fauna schema pull

Pull a database schema's .fsl files into the current project.

  $ fauna schema pull [--url <value>] [--timeout <value>] [--secret <value>] [--endpoint <value>] [--environment
    <value>] [--dir <value>] [--delete]

  --delete               Delete .fsl files in the target directory that are not part of the database schema
  --dir=<value>          The directory of .fsl files to push. Defaults to the directory of `.fauna-project`
  --endpoint=<value>     Connection endpoint, from ~/.fauna-shell
  --environment=<value>  Environment to use, from a Fauna project
  --secret=<value>       Secret key. Overrides the `secret` in ~/.fauna-shell
  --timeout=<value>      Connection timeout in milliseconds
  --url=<value>          Database URL. Overrides the `url` in ~/.fauna-shell

  Pull a database schema's .fsl files into the current project.

  $ fauna schema pull

fauna schema push

Push the current project's .fsl files to Fauna.

  $ fauna schema push [--url <value>] [--timeout <value>] [--secret <value>] [--endpoint <value>] [--environment
    <value>] [--dir <value>] [--force]

  --dir=<value>          The directory of .fsl files to push. Defaults to the directory of `.fauna-project`
  --endpoint=<value>     Connection endpoint, from ~/.fauna-shell
  --environment=<value>  Environment to use, from a Fauna project
  --force                Push the change without a diff or schema version check
  --secret=<value>       Secret key. Overrides the `secret` in ~/.fauna-shell
  --timeout=<value>      Connection timeout in milliseconds
  --url=<value>          Database URL. Overrides the `url` in ~/.fauna-shell

  Push the current project's .fsl files to Fauna.

  $ fauna schema push

  $ fauna schema push --dir schemas/myschema

fauna shell [DB_PATH]

Start an interactive shell.

  $ fauna shell [DB_PATH] [--url <value>] [--timeout <value>] [--secret <value>] [--endpoint <value>]
    [--environment <value>] [--file <value>] [--stdin] [--output <value>] [--format json|json-tagged|shell] [--version
    4|10] [--typecheck]

  DB_PATH  Database path

  --endpoint=<value>     Connection endpoint, from ~/.fauna-shell
  --environment=<value>  Environment to use, from a Fauna project
  --file=<value>         File where to read queries from
  --format=<option>      Output format
                         <options: json|json-tagged|shell>
  --output=<value>       File to write output to
  --secret=<value>       Secret key. Overrides the `secret` in ~/.fauna-shell
  --stdin                Read file input from stdin. Writes to stdout by default
  --timeout=<value>      Connection timeout in milliseconds
  --typecheck            Enable typechecking
  --url=<value>          Database URL. Overrides the `url` in ~/.fauna-shell
  --version=<option>     [default: 10] FQL Version
                         <options: 4|10>

  Start an interactive shell.

  $ fauna shell

  $ fauna shell my_db/nested_db

See code: dist/commands/shell.ts

fauna upload-graphql-schema GRAPHQLFILEPATH

Upload GraphQL schema.

  $ fauna upload-graphql-schema GRAPHQLFILEPATH [--url <value>] [--timeout <value>] [--secret <value>] [--endpoint <value>]
    [--environment <value>] [--graphqlHost <value>] [--graphqlPort <value>] [--mode merge|override|replace]

  GRAPHQLFILEPATH  Path to GraphQL schema

  --endpoint=<value>     Connection endpoint, from ~/.fauna-shell
  --environment=<value>  Environment to use, from a Fauna project
  --graphqlHost=<value>  The Fauna GraphQL API host
  --graphqlPort=<value>  GraphQL port
  --mode=<option>        [default: merge] Upload mode
                         <options: merge|override|replace>
  --secret=<value>       Secret key. Overrides the `secret` in ~/.fauna-shell
  --timeout=<value>      Connection timeout in milliseconds
  --url=<value>          Database URL. Overrides the `url` in ~/.fauna-shell

  Upload GraphQL schema.

  $ fauna upload-graphql-schema ./schema.gql

  $ fauna upload-graphql-schema ./schema.gql --mode override

See code: dist/commands/upload-graphql-schema.ts


All above commands starts with fauna, but you are able to run them this way after installation of the fauna-shell package. During development, you might want to test your changes without installing the package every single time. To do so, you can run commands like this:

yarn install

# run against just-in-time built project with dev settings
./bin/dev cloud-login
./bin/dev eval

# or run against built assets; yarn link will place them in your PATH
# as if globally installed
yarn build && yarn link
fauna eval