This exploration project is to test the integration of esp-modbus in server(slave) configuration on the XIAO ESP32S3 connected on WIFI using the ESP-IDF example connection configuration. It forwards the data of a BME688 ambient sensor to three input registers starting at address 1. It also has a writable holding register at address 1 that sets the ambient sense measurement period (default 1000ms). Run ESP-IDF menuconfig to set WIFI SSID and password for the ESP32 to connect to your LAN before compiling and running.
You can see the sense data read with a modbus master software, as QModMaster.
You can see the sense period write:
References and
- Install latest version of "Espressif - WinUSB support for JTAG (ESP32-C3/S3)" driver
- Download Zadig
- In Zadig, list all devices under options.
- Install USB CDC driver for USB JTAG/serial debug unit (interface 0).
- Install libusbK driver for USB JTAG/serial debug unit (interface 2).
- Use platformio.ini from this project and update COM ports.
- Upload and debug should now work through esp-builtin interface!