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The orginal creator of the code is LuckyCoder YT

Don't Remove The Cradit or you will get ©️ Copyright

Ultimate Nuker is a very powerful & Advance Discord Server Nuke Bot.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Set up configuration:

    • Create a config.json file in the root directory.

    • Add your bot token and other configurations:

        "token": "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN",
        "prefix": "!",
        "channelCount": 5,
        "channelName": "spam-channel",
        "spamMessage": "This is a spam message.",
        "messagesPerChannel": 10,
        "whitelistedServers": [],
        "auctionLogChannelId": "YOUR_AUCTION_LOG_CHANNEL_ID"
      • token: Your Discord bot token (obtainable from the Discord Developer Portal)
      • prefix: Command prefix for your bot (! by default)
      • channelCount: Number of channels to create during nuking
      • channelName: Base name for the created channels during nuking
      • spamMessage: Message to spam in each channel during nuking
      • messagesPerChannel: Number of spam messages per channel
      • whitelistedServers: Array of server IDs where commands are disabled
      • auctionLogChannelId: Channel ID where auction logs will be displayed
  4. Start the bot:

    npm start

    Your bot should now be online and operational on Discord.

Bot Commands

  • !ping: Check bot latency.
  • !uptime: Check bot uptime.
  • !nuke: Initiate a nuke process on a selected server.
  • !logs: View auction logs in a specified channel.

How It Works

  • Ping & Uptime: Basic commands to check bot responsiveness and uptime.
  • Nuke Command: Allows users to select a server and perform a simulated "nuke" action:
    • Deletes all channels, creates new channels, spams messages, and performs other actions.
    • Logs the nuke completion in the specified log channel (auctionLogChannelId).
  • Logs Command: Allows users with ADMINISTRATOR permissions to view recent auction logs.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit pull requests to suggest improvements or fixes.


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