Install SuiteCloud CLI for Node.js:
npm install -g @oracle/suitecloud-cli
Install NetSuite Starter CLI:
npm install -g netsuite-starter
Create new project:
nsx project
Fill in prompted details
Enter working directory:
cd my-project
Install dependencies:
npm install
Read the generated README.md file for further instructions
const browserLibrary = new BrowserLibrary();
// Create a confirmation message on screen for 5 seconds
// Methods available include: confirmation, error, info, and warning
message: " This is a message",
title: "Hi",
duration: 5000
// Get an JSON with key/value query parameters
// => {foo: "bar"}
// Get an JSON with key/value query parameters from the previous page
// => {foo: "baz"}
// Use query parameters to populate current record body fields
browserLibrary.query.populate(currentRecord, false);
// Set key/value on session storage
browserLibrary.storage.set("foo", "bar");
// Get session storage item by key
// => "bar"
// Get session storage item by key
// => ["foo"]
// Remove key from session storage
// Clear session storage
const cacheLibrary = new CacheLibrary({
// Name
name: "cooks",
// Scope
scope: Scope.PRIVATE,
// ttl (optional) ==> Defaults to 300. Has to be greater than 300
ttl: 60 * 15,
// Boolean control field (optional) ==> Used as an on/off switch for the cache
// If a loader is provided it will return that value, if not it returns {key: null}
toggle: "custscript_myscript_toggle"
// Set a formatter for the cache key name
cacheLibrary.formatCacheName((keyName) => {
return `my_prefix_${keyName}`;
// Set cache duration. The calculator is used for convenience
hours: 1,
minutes: 20,
seconds: 30
// Set key-value pairs
cacheLibrary.set({jim: {cook: true}, john: {cook: false}});
// Get a single key
cacheLibrary.get({name: "jim"});
// => {jim: {cook: true}}
// Get multiple keys
cacheLibrary.get({name: ["jim", "john"]});
// => {jim: {cook: true}, john: {cook: false}}
// Get a single key and provide a loader if not found
name: "jim",
loader: (key) => {
// Here we just use the native NetSuite loader
// => {jim: {cook: true}}
// Get multiple keys and provide a loader any are not found
name: ["jim", "john"],
loader: (key) => {
// Here we just use the native NetSuite loader
// All missing keys are cached, and the full result object is returned
// => {jim: {cook: true}, john: {cook: false}}
// Remove a single key
// Remove multiple keys
cacheLibrary.remove(["jim", "john"]);
// Load CSV file by ID
// At this point we can set two customizations:
// - cellCleaner: RegEx used to clean cell contents, defaults to /\s*(.*?)\s*/g
// - columnDelimiter: Used to split columns, defaults to ","
const csvLibrary = new CsvLibrary({
id: "12345",
cellCleaner: /"/g,
columnDelimiter: "','"
// => Returns file object
// => Returns CSV content string
csvLibrary.jsonToCSV([{foo:"bar"}, {foo:"zoo"}]);
// => "foo\nbar\nzoo"
// => Returns JSON array with all headers as properties
csvLibrary.toJSON(["Name", "Email"]);
// => Returns JSON array with named headers as properties
const governanceLibrary = new GovernanceLibrary();
// Evaluate if we have governance points remaining
// Get governance points remaining
// Update minimum points required
// Run until we exhaust governance points
(remaining) => {
// Perform record operations
() => {
// Optional callback for when we run out of governance
// We create the response we want
type Response = { email: string, phone: string };
// Create a search
const searchLibraryCreated = new SearchLibrary({
type: "customer",
filters: [{
name: "firstname",
operator: Operator.IS,
values: ["Peter"]
columns: [{
name: "phone"
// Load an existing search
const searchLibraryLoaded = new SearchLibrary({
type: "customer",
id: "12345",
// Add a column to the search
name: "email"
// Remove a column to the search
name: "email"
// Add a filter to the search
name: "lastname",
operator: Operator.IS,
values: ["Griffin"]
// Remove a filter to the search
name: "lastname",
operator: Operator.IS,
values: ["Griffin"]
// Set the transform function: This is mandatory and takes care of converting the results
// Response must be in the format {continue: boolean, response: Response}
// If continue is false the search will stop
searchLibraryCreated.setTransform <Response>((result) => {
return {
continue: true,
response: {
email: result.getValue({
name: "email"
phone: result.getValue({
name: "phone"
// Get the first two records
const rangeResponse = searchLibraryCreated.getRange<Response>({start: 1, end: 2});
// => [
// {email: "[email protected]", phone: "9999999"},
// {email: "[email protected]", phone: "9999999"}
// ]
// Get the all records with a page size of 5
searchLibraryCreated.pageSize = 5;
const response = searchLibraryCreated.getResults<Response>();
// => [
// {email: "[email protected]", phone: "9999999"},
// {email: "[email protected]", phone: "9999999"},
// {email: "[email protected]", phone: "9999999"},
// ]
// Async get the all records
searchLibraryCreated.getResultsClient<Response>((response, error) => {
if (error) {
throw new Error(error);
// response => [
// {email: "[email protected]", phone: "9999999"},
// {email: "[email protected]", phone: "9999999"},
// {email: "[email protected]", phone: "9999999"},
// ]
Felipe Chang [email protected]