Avgånär is a Garmin Connect IQ widget displaying (public transport) nearby stops and departures within Stockholms Lokaltrafik (SL) in Sweden.
Get it on the Connect IQ Store.
- View nearby stops
- Save favorite stops and view anywhere
- View departures
- Sectioned and color coded by transport mode and group
- See deviations and their importance level
- Limit memory consumption by tuning settings
Avgånär uses SL's APIs, provided by Trafiklab:
Place your API keys somewhere gitignored, such as ServiceSecrets.mc
const API_KEY_STOPS = "<KEY>";
I develop on develop
and build on main
using Prettier Monkey C.
You are more than welcome to make a fork and adapt the project to your own country's public transport.
Some icons have been adapted from Google Fonts. (Removed in #4e4e772.)