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Diana Kafkes edited this page Aug 18, 2020 · 8 revisions

Training inputs

We need a list of all the variables we are logging and a short comment explaining the importance of each. This page is a good place to keep this information.

Reading Setting Descr Units Non-local to FE node Notes
B_VIMIN GMPS IMIN AMPS regulation set point for Imin
B_VIMAX GMPS IMAX AMPS regulation set point for Imax
B:IMINER GMPS IMIN Error reading error term used in the negative fb loop
B:NGMPS Number of GMPS supplies Normally 4
B:VINHBT Inhibit setting value
B:GMPSFF GMPS FeedForward start trigger
B:GMPSBT GMPS OFF Bdot trigger sec
B:IMINST Bdot 0-min samp off sec
B:IPHSTC Phase regulator time constant
B:IMINXG IMIN Transductor gain A/V
B:IMINXO IMIN Transductor offset AMPS
B:IMAXXG IMAX Transductor gain A/V
B:IMAXXO IMAX Transductor offset AMPS
B_VINHBT Inhibit setting value
B_GMPSFF GMPS FeedForward start trigger timing related
B_GMPSBT GMPS OFF Bdot trigger :
B_IMINST Bdot 0-min samp off :
B_IPHSTC Phase regulator time constant V
B_IMINXG IMIN Transductor gain A/V offsets and gains for sampling the b-field
B_IMINXO IMIN Transductor offset AMPS :
B_IMAXXG IMAX Transductor gain A/V :
B_IMAXXO IMAX Transductor offset AMPS V
B:ACMNPG IMIN AC integral feedback gain
B:ACMNIG IMIN AC proportional feedback gain
B:ACMXPG IMAX AC integral feedback gain
B:ACMXIG IMAX AC proportional feedback gain
B:DCPG DC integral feedback gain
B:DCIG DC proportional feedback gain
B:VIPHAS IMIN/MCO phase setting rads
B_ACMNPG IMIN AC proportional feedback gain pid loop gain settings
B_ACMNIG IMIN AC integral feedback gain :
B_ACMXPG IMAX AC proportional feedback gain :
B_ACMXIG IMAX AC integral feedback gain :
B_DCPG DC proportional feedback gain :
B_DCIG DC integral feedback gain /
B_VIPHAS IMIN/MCO phase setting rads timing related to tclk
B:PS1VGP V+ to ground Volts Undersampled
B:PS1VGM V- to ground Volts :
B:GMPS1V Output Voltage Volts :
B:PS2VGP V+ to ground Volts :
B:PS2VGM V- to ground Volts :
B:GMPS2V Output Voltage Volts :
B:PS3VGP V+ to ground Volts :
B:PS3VGM V- to ground Volts :
B:GMPS3V Output Voltage Volts :
B:PS4VGP V+ to ground Volts :
B:PS4VGM V- to ground Volts :
B:GMPS4V Output Voltage Volts V
I:MXIB MCR BEND I AMPS X bend bus currents in the Main Injector
I:MDAT40 MDAT $40 MI measured I AMPS X /
B:LINFRQ 60 Hz Line Freq Offset mHz X variation in line voltage
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