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Fern's Keyboard Layouts

License: GPLv3+ CI

My personal QMK keymaps. Only one for the KPRepublic XD75 for now.

Keeping QMK keymaps out of the main repo is kind of a pain. For some reason, QMK has always preferred mantaining random people's personal layouts in the project repo, so out-of-tree builds are not really supported at all.

To get around that, I use OverlayFS to combine the qmk_firmware repo and the directory with my keymaps into a single tree, run the build, and then get the compiled firmware by itself.

Also, I miss when building QMK didn't require Python. But can't get rid of it, so I might as well use it.


Before starting: if you're on Windows, sorry, but I can't help you. Maybe see the section about automatic builds at the end of the page.

That said, building requires the PDM package manager for Python, and fuse-overlayfs, which you can install with the commands

# On Debian, Ubuntu, and derivatives:
apt install python3-pdm fuse-overlayfs

# On Arch, Manjaro, and probably others:
pacman -S python-pdm fuse-overlayfs

# Might support MacOS using MacFUSE at some point.

# PDM can also be installed with Pip on any OS,
# but you'd still need to get `fuse-overlayfs`.
pip install --user pdm

so you can then install the rest of the Python dependencies by running

pdm install

inside the project's directory.

QMK has its own dependencies which have to be installed as well. Can probably do it by running the command pdm run qmk setup or in any way the QMK documentation says you should. In any case, you can run any command from the QMK CLI tool by preceding it with pdm run if necessary.

Wish they didn't try to be so "user friendly" and just listed them in their docs instead of being buried in some automatic install script.


By default, the scripts will build the firmware for all the keyboards within the src directory, which is structured in the same way as in the main qmk_firmware repo, i.e. a folder per keymap of the form src/keyboards/${BRAND}/${KEYBOARD}/keymaps/${KEYMAP}, containing config.h, keymap.c,, etc.

Note that the src directory gets overlaid over QMK's source, so could technically override or add any file into it, but I've yet to try anything other than adding keymaps.

Can then start the build with the shorthand command

pdm run build

which will mount the overlay, build all the available firmware, and unmount the overlay when it's done.

Can also build only one keymap by running a command like pdm run doit build:${BRAND}:${KEYBOARD}:${KEYMAP}, e.g. pdm run doit build:xiudi:xd75:fernzi would build my personal layout for the XD75 keyboard.

Flashing can also be done the same way, but I recommend that you use the pdm run doit flash:${BRAND}:${KEYBOARD}:${KEYMAP} form of the command to flash a single keyboard, rather than pdm run flash, unless you actually want to flash every single keyboard you own, for whatever reason.

Automatic Builds

If you'd rather avoid installing most of the dependencies, I've also set up a GitHub action to automatically build all layouts on every Git change, so you could fork this repo, substitute my layouts with yours, push them, let GitHub run the build, and download the artifact with the compiled firmware when it's done.

You'd need to figure out how to flash your keyboard on your own though.