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Exporting a POSIX filesystem with GANESHA


Thanks to its backend modules called ``File System Abstraction Layers (FSAL), GANESHA NFS server makes it possible to export any filesystem where entries can be accessed using handles.

In a POSIX filesystem, entries are accessed using their path, which does not meet the requirements for a handle (persistency, unicity). However GANESHA provides a FSAL that can assign a unic and persistent filehandle to each filesystem entry. To do this, it needs to keep some persistent information in a database.

This document will describe the database configuration needed, and the parameters GANESHA uses for accessing this database.

Database configuration (MySQL or PostGreSQL)

GANESHA supports both MySQL 5, PostgreSQL 7 and 8. This section will explain how to install/configure a database in order to use the POSIX FSAL.

MySQL Configuration

      • First, install the mysql-server package
      • Start the mysql server:
      service mysqld start
      • As root, create a database for NFS-GANESHA:
      mysqladmin create ganesha_db
      • Then, create a database user and give it all access rights.
      For this, open a SQL session (as root):
      mysql ganesha_db
      And execute the following commands:
      create user 'GANESHA' identified by 'passw0rd';
      grant usage on ganesha_db.* to 'GANESHA'@'localhost' identified by 'passw0rd';
      grant all privileges on ganesha_db.* to 'GANESHA'@'localhost' identified by 'passw0rd';
      Finally, commit the new settings:
      flush privileges;
      • Check that this new user can access the database by openning a SQL session:
      mysql --user=GANESHA --password=passw0rd --host=localhost ganesha_db
      • Retrieve the database schema from nfs-ganesha sources: src/FSAL/FSAL_POSIX/DBExt/MYSQL/posixdb_mysql5.sql, and execute the SQL statements it contains:
      mysql --user=GANESHA --password=passw0rd --host=localhost ganesha_db < posixdb_mysql5.sql
      • Create a password file that will be used by NFS-GANESHA daemon:
      echo "passw0rd" > /var/ganesha/.dbpass
      /!\ Don't forget setting restrictive access rights to this file:
      chmod 600 /var/ganesha/.dbpass
MySQL database is now ready to be used.

PostgreSQL Configuration

This section will explain how to install/configure a PostgreSQL 8.1 database in order to use the POSIX FSAL. For 7.x version, configuration is very similar (differences will be noticed inline). In the following description, replace %DBNAME% and %USERNAME% signs with the actual database name and user name you want to use.

      • First, install the postgreSQL 8.1 package.
      • Then, take the "postgres" identity (this user is created during package setup. It has all rights on PostgreSQL engine)
      su - postgres
      • Create a new user for using the database with GANESHA:
      createuser --no-superuser --no-createdb --no-createrole --login --pwprompt %USERNAME% (you will be prompted for a password).
      With postgreSQL 7, use the following command instead: 
      createuser --no-adduser --no-createdb --pwprompt %USERNAME% (reply 'no' to questions that will be prompted, and enter a password)
      • Create a new database (owned by the user we have juste created):
      createdb -O %USERNAME% %DBNAME%
      • In order to use PGSQL Procedural Language for improving frequent database queries, we have to activate plpgsql into our database:
      createlang plpgsql %DBNAME%
      • Make sure you have tcp connections enabled for your database. This is set in file postgresql.conf' (it should be located in /var/lib/pgsql/data'). Make sure `tcpip_socket' parameter is true and the line is not commented:
      tcpip_socket = true
      • In order to enable server's authentication, you have to modify pg_hba.conf (by default, this is located in the /var/lib/pgsql/data directory).
      At the end of the file you should have something like this:
      local   all         all                               trust
      # IPv4 local connections:
      host    all         all          md5
      host    all         all         %GANESHA_NFSD_IP%/32  md5
      # IPv6 local connections:
      host    all         all         ::1/128               trust
      After this step, you have to restart the postgresql service:
      service postgresql restart
      • We can now create the tables in the database. To do this, retrieve the appropriate SQL script from directory src/FSAL/FSAL_POSIX/DBExt/PGSQL' in GANESHA sources: use posixdb_v7.sql' if you have a postgreSQL v7.x database, `posixdb_v8.sql' if you are using postgreSQL v8 database or higher version (with stored procedures support).
      Then execute it like this:
      cat posixdb_v8.sql | psql -h localhost -U %USERNAME% %DBNAME%
      • Create a keytab file in order for GANESHA to access the database. The content of this file must have the folowing syntax:
      Take care of setting exactly the same values in the GANESHA's configuration file for DB_host, DB_port, DB_name and DB_login.
      This file's permissions MUST be 600 (rw----).

Database is now ready.

=== Compiling GANESHA ===For using GANESHA's over a POSIX filesystem, you have to build it using the configure arg --with-fsal=POSIX. Database can be selected using one of the following options --with-db=MYSQL or --with-db=PGSQL. For PostGreSQL databases that support stored procedures (PostgreSQL PL), you can activate them with --enable-pl-pgsql arg.

Thus, for compiling GANESHA execute the following commands:

  # cd src
  # ./configure --with-fsal=POSIX --with-db=MYSQL
  # make

GANESHA configuration

For configurating GANESHA's access to database, you have to set some options in the configuration file: this in done in the ``POSIX configuration block.

In this block, you must set the following values:

      • DB_host: address of the host where the database server is running.
      • DB_name: the database name.
      • DB_login: user owning the database.
      • DB_keytab: path of the password file.
      • DB_port: port number where the database engine is listening on (do not set this parameter for using defaut).
NB: For PostGreSQL, all those values must be exactly the same as in the database keytab file.

Note that postgreSQL v7 does not support alternative path for keytab file: this file must be named .pgpass' and must be located in the home directory of the user who is starting GANESHA (commonly root').

Here is an example of a POSIX block in the configuration file:

    # Host
    DB_Host = "localhost";
    # Database Name
    DB_Name = "ganesha_db";
    # Login
    DB_Login = "GANESHA";
    # Path to the file where the password is stored
    # (format of the file is Database specific)
    DB_keytab = "/var/ganesha/.dbpass";

Exporting a POSIX filesystem with GANESHA


Thanks to its backend modules called ``File System Abstraction Layers (FSAL), GANESHA NFS server makes it possible to export any filesystem where entries can be accessed using handles.

In a POSIX filesystem, entries are accessed using their path, which does not meet the requirements for a handle (persistency, unicity). However GANESHA provides a FSAL that can assign a unic and persistent filehandle to each filesystem entry. To do this, it needs to keep some persistent information in a database.

This document will describe the database configuration needed, and the parameters GANESHA uses for accessing this database.

Database configuration (MySQL or PostGreSQL)

GANESHA supports both MySQL 5, PostgreSQL 7 and 8. This section will explain how to install/configure a database in order to use the POSIX FSAL.

MySQL Configuration

      • First, install the mysql-server package
      • Start the mysql server:
      service mysqld start
      • As root, create a database for NFS-GANESHA:
      mysqladmin create ganesha_db
      • Then, create a database user and give it all access rights.
      For this, open a SQL session (as root):
      mysql ganesha_db
      And execute the following commands:
      create user 'GANESHA' identified by 'passw0rd';
      grant usage on ganesha_db.* to 'GANESHA'@'localhost' identified by 'passw0rd';
      grant all privileges on ganesha_db.* to 'GANESHA'@'localhost' identified by 'passw0rd';
      Finally, commit the new settings:
      flush privileges;
      • Check that this new user can access the database by openning a SQL session:
      mysql --user=GANESHA --password=passw0rd --host=localhost ganesha_db
      • Retrieve the database schema from nfs-ganesha sources: src/FSAL/FSAL_POSIX/DBExt/MYSQL/posixdb_mysql5.sql, and execute the SQL statements it contains:
      mysql --user=GANESHA --password=passw0rd --host=localhost ganesha_db < posixdb_mysql5.sql
      • Create a password file that will be used by NFS-GANESHA daemon:
      echo "passw0rd" > /var/ganesha/.dbpass
      /!\ Don't forget setting restrictive access rights to this file:
      chmod 600 /var/ganesha/.dbpass
MySQL database is now ready to be used.

PostgreSQL Configuration

This section will explain how to install/configure a PostgreSQL 8.1 database in order to use the POSIX FSAL. For 7.x version, configuration is very similar (differences will be noticed inline). In the following description, replace %DBNAME% and %USERNAME% signs with the actual database name and user name you want to use.

      • First, install the postgreSQL 8.1 package.
      • Then, take the "postgres" identity (this user is created during package setup. It has all rights on PostgreSQL engine)
      su - postgres
      • Create a new user for using the database with GANESHA:
      createuser --no-superuser --no-createdb --no-createrole --login --pwprompt %USERNAME% (you will be prompted for a password).
      With postgreSQL 7, use the following command instead: 
      createuser --no-adduser --no-createdb --pwprompt %USERNAME% (reply 'no' to questions that will be prompted, and enter a password)
      • Create a new database (owned by the user we have juste created):
      createdb -O %USERNAME% %DBNAME%
      • In order to use PGSQL Procedural Language for improving frequent database queries, we have to activate plpgsql into our database:
      createlang plpgsql %DBNAME%
      • Make sure you have tcp connections enabled for your database. This is set in file postgresql.conf' (it should be located in /var/lib/pgsql/data'). Make sure `tcpip_socket' parameter is true and the line is not commented:
      tcpip_socket = true
      • In order to enable server's authentication, you have to modify pg_hba.conf (by default, this is located in the /var/lib/pgsql/data directory).
      At the end of the file you should have something like this:
      local   all         all                               trust
      # IPv4 local connections:
      host    all         all          md5
      host    all         all         %GANESHA_NFSD_IP%/32  md5
      # IPv6 local connections:
      host    all         all         ::1/128               trust
      After this step, you have to restart the postgresql service:
      service postgresql restart
      • We can now create the tables in the database. To do this, retrieve the appropriate SQL script from directory src/FSAL/FSAL_POSIX/DBExt/PGSQL' in GANESHA sources: use posixdb_v7.sql' if you have a postgreSQL v7.x database, `posixdb_v8.sql' if you are using postgreSQL v8 database or higher version (with stored procedures support).
      Then execute it like this:
      cat posixdb_v8.sql | psql -h localhost -U %USERNAME% %DBNAME%
      • Create a keytab file in order for GANESHA to access the database. The content of this file must have the folowing syntax:
      Take care of setting exactly the same values in the GANESHA's configuration file for DB_host, DB_port, DB_name and DB_login.
      This file's permissions MUST be 600 (rw----).

Database is now ready.

Compiling GANESHA

For using GANESHA's over a POSIX filesystem, you have to build it using the configure arg --with-fsal=POSIX. Database can be selected using one of the following options --with-db=MYSQL or --with-db=PGSQL. For PostGreSQL databases that support stored procedures (PostgreSQL PL), you can activate them with --enable-pl-pgsql arg.

Thus, for compiling GANESHA execute the following commands:

  # cd src
  # ./configure --with-fsal=POSIX --with-db=MYSQL
  # make

GANESHA configuration

For configurating GANESHA's access to database, you have to set some options in the configuration file: this in done in the ``POSIX configuration block.

In this block, you must set the following values:

      • DB_host: address of the host where the database server is running.
      • DB_name: the database name.
      • DB_login: user owning the database.
      • DB_keytab: path of the password file.
      • DB_port: port number where the database engine is listening on (do not set this parameter for using defaut).
NB: For PostGreSQL, all those values must be exactly the same as in the database keytab file.

Note that postgreSQL v7 does not support alternative path for keytab file: this file must be named .pgpass' and must be located in the home directory of the user who is starting GANESHA (commonly root').

Here is an example of a POSIX block in the configuration file:

    # Host
    DB_Host = "localhost";
    # Database Name
    DB_Name = "ganesha_db";
    # Login
    DB_Login = "GANESHA";
    # Path to the file where the password is stored
    # (format of the file is Database specific)
    DB_keytab = "/var/ganesha/.dbpass";