I'm Ignacio Figueroa, a dedicated Frontend Web Developer with nearly two years of self-driven experience. My passion lies in crafting seamless and interactive user experiences. This journey into web development has been fueled by my innate curiosity and commitment to mastering the latest web technologies. I thrive on learning and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the digital space.
Languages & Frameworks:
- Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS
- Frameworks & Libraries: React, Next.js, Astro
- CSS Tools: CSS Modules, Tailwind CSS, Material UI
Tools & Utilities:
- Development Tools: Git, GitHub, Visual Studio Code
- React Ecosystem: SWR, React Router, React Hook Form
- Build Tools: Vite, pnpm
- Content Management: Contentlayer, Velite, MDX
I'm always open to new opportunities, collaborations, or just a friendly chat. Feel free to reach out via email at [email protected] or connect with me on LinkedIn.
Looking forward to connecting with you!