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Mapotempo Sync Function


The sync function ensure the security and manages users channels and roles. This documentation describe the sync function behaviors that occurs on every Sync/Couchbase Document.

Documents Base Format


A base format is required for every document that analyzed by the sync function. All document who don't respect the base format will be rejecte.

"_id": "type_hash", 
"type": "type",
"company_id": "company_hash"


The type field is used to dispatch the document in the appropriate specific function. The valide types accepted by the sync function are

  • company
  • user
  • mission
  • mission_status
  • track
  • metadata This type is also used to verify role and build the channel, it's the base of channel formating.

Company ID

The company_id field is mandatory in every documents to ensure the property of all documents. The sync function require this field for dispatch all documents in their good channels. The sync function can't verify if this company_id field is a valid document id in the nosql database, the creator should be assure the validity of this field. Document company type is only one who is exempt because the sync function use his _id field.


The role for the sync function is build with company_id type and action : [company_id-type-action] for example the role need for update a mission type document is : companyid.mission.updating

Base channel


Documents Models


	"_id": "company_XXXXX_XXXXX_XXXX_XXXXX", 
	"type": "company",
	"name": "mapotempo"
On Create
RequireRole :
On Update
RequireRole :
On Delete
RequireRole :

User document

  "company_id": "company_XXXXX_XXXXX_XXXX_XXXXX",
  "type": "user",
  "sync_user": "chauffeur_1",
  "roles": ["mission-update", "mission-deleting", "mission-creating"],
  "channels": [
  "roles": [
  "_id": "user_de20ef854f96c00fe46089d16f0554be"
On Create
RequireRole : company_id.user.creating
On Update
RequireRole : company_id.user.updating
On Delete
RequireRole : company_id.user.deleting
Generate and assign channels
`user` -> `user:[user]`
`user` -> `company:[company_id]`
`user` -> `mission_status_type:[company_id]`

UserCurrentLocation type document

  "type": "user_current_location",
  "company_id": "company_XXXXX_XXXXX_XXXX_XXXXX",
  "sync_user": "static",
  "location": {
    "accuracy": 22.232999801635742,
    "altitude": 0,
    "bearing": 0,
    "cid": "1144834",
    "lac": "49908",
    "lat": "44.8270405",
    "lon": "-0.6232571",
    "mcc": "208",
    "mnc": "10",
    "signal_strength": 0,
    "speed": 0,
    "time": "2017-09-28T19:36:20.130Z"
  "_rev": "2-91d463e366228c2ba5b8eadce2f0035a",
  "_id": "user_current_location_xxxxxxx:xxxxxxx:xxxxxxx:lalal"
On Create
RequireRole : [company_id].user_current_location.creating
On Update
RequireRole : [company_id].user_current_location.updating
On Delete
RequireRole : [company_id].user_current_location.deleting
Generate and assign channels
`sync_user` -> `user_current_location:[sync_user]`

UserPreference type document

  "type": "user_settings",
  "company_id": "company_XXXXX_XXXXX_XXXX_XXXXX",
  "sync_user": "static",
  "_rev": "2-91d463e366228c2ba5b8eadce2f0035a",
  "_id": "user_settings_xxxxxxx:xxxxxxx:xxxxxxx:lalal"
On Create
RequireRole : [company_id].user_settings.creating
On Update
RequireRole : [company_id].user_settings.updating
On Delete
RequireRole : [company_id].user_settings.deleting
Generate and assign channels
`sync_user` -> `user_settings:[sync_user]`

UserTrack type document

  "type": "user_track",
  "company_id": "company_XXXXX_XXXXX_XXXX_XXXXX",
  "sync_user": "static",
  "date": "2017-09-28T19:42:51.772Z",
  "locations": [
      "accuracy": 22.232999801635742,
      "altitude": 0,
      "bearing": 0,
      "cid": "1144834",
      "lac": "49908",
      "lat": "44.8270405",
      "lon": "-0.6232571",
      "mcc": "208",
      "mnc": "10",
      "signal_strength": 0,
      "speed": 0,
      "time": "2017-09-28T19:36:20.130Z"
      "accuracy": 33.97600173950195,
      "altitude": 0,
      "bearing": 0,
      "cid": "1144834",
      "lac": "49908",
      "lat": "44.8260876",
      "lon": "-0.6236643",
      "mcc": "208",
      "mnc": "10",
      "signal_strength": 0,
      "speed": 0,
      "time": "2017-09-28T19:36:40.853Z"
      "accuracy": 50,
      "altitude": 0,
      "bearing": 0,
      "cid": "1144834",
      "lac": "49908",
      "lat": "44.8265026",
      "lon": "-0.6246636",
      "mcc": "208",
      "mnc": "10",
      "signal_strength": 0,
      "speed": 0,
      "time": "2017-09-28T19:37:03.854Z"
  "_rev": "2-91d463e366228c2ba5b8eadce2f0035a",
  "_id": "user_track_xxxxxxx:xxxxxxx:xxxxxxx:lalal"

Mission document

  "address": {
    "city": "Bordeaux",
    "country": "France",
    "detail": "Pépinière éco-créative,",
    "postalcode": "33000",
    "state": "Gironde",
    "street": "9 Rue André Darbon"
  "comment": "Mapotempo est une startup qui édite des solutions web d’optimisation de tournées, innovantes et libres.",
  "company_id": "company_XXXXX_XXXXX_XXXX_XXXXX",
  "date": "2017-08-23T18:43:56.150Z",
  "location": {
    "lat": "-0.5680988",
    "lon": "44.8547927"
  "name": "Mission-48",
  "sync_user": "chauffeur_1",
  "mission_status_type_id": "mission_status_type_id",
  "phone": "0600000001",
  "reference": "ABCDEF",
  "duration": 240,
  "type": "mission",
  "time_windows": [{
	  "start": "2017-08-23T8:00:00.000Z",
	  "end": "2017-08-23T12:00:00.000Z"
  }, {
	  "start": "2017-08-23T13:00:00.000Z",
	  "end": "2017-08-23T17:00:00.000Z"
  "_id": "mission_fff3e0a2-d250-416e-badb-ded0252da4bd"
On Create
RequireRole : company_id.mission.creating
On Update
RequireRole : company_id.mission.updating
On Delete
RequireRole : company_id.mission.deleting
Generate and assign channels
`owners` -> `mission:[owner]:[yyyyMMdd]`
note : yyyyMMdd is a date generate from iso 8601 date

Mission Placeholder document

The missions placeholder is used to maintain missions user's channel access even that it where are all removed. See => couchbase/sync_gateway#1484

  "company_id": "company_XXXXX_XXXXX_XXXX_XXXXX",
  "date": "2017-08-23T18:43:56.150Z",
  "sync_user": "chauffeur_1",
  "type": "missions_placeholder",
  "_id": "mission_fff3e0a2-d250-416e-badb-ded0252da4bd"
On Create
RequireRole : company_id.mission_placehoder.creating
On Update
RequireRole : company_id.mission_placehoder.updating
On Delete
RequireRole : company_id.mission_placehoder.deleting
Generate and assign channels
`sync_user` -> `mission:[sync_user]:[yyyyMMdd]`
note : yyyyMMdd is a date generate from iso 8601 date

Mission status type document

  "color": "228b22",
  "svg_path": "M604.1,440.2h-19.1V333.2c0,-12.5 -3.8,-24.8 -10.8,-35.2l-47.9,-71c-11.7,-17.3 -31.2,-27.7 -52.2,-27.7h-74.3c-8.7,0 -15.7,7.1 -15.7,15.7v225H262.5c11.6,10 19.5,23.9 21.8,39.7H412.5c4.6,-31.2 31.5,-55.4 64,-55.4c32.5,0 59.3,24.2 63.9,55.4h63.7c4.3,0 7.9,-3.5 7.9,-7.9V448C612,443.7 608.5,440.2 604.1,440.2zM525.8,312.2h-98c-4.3,0 -7.9,-3.5 -7.9,-7.9v-54.4c0,-4.3 3.5,-7.9 7.9,-7.9h59.7c2.6,0 5,1.3 6.5,3.3l38.3,54.5C535.8,305.1 532.1,312.2 525.8,312.2zM476.5,440.2c-27.1,0 -48.9,22 -48.9,49c0,27 21.9,48.9 48.9,48.9c27,0 48.9,-22 48.9,-48.9C525.4,462.1 503.5,440.2 476.5,440.2zM476.5,513.7c-13.5,0 -24.5,-11 -24.5,-24.5c0,-13.5 10.9,-24.5 24.5,-24.5c13.5,0 24.5,10.9 24.5,24.5C501,502.6 490,513.7 476.5,513.7zM68.4,440.2c-4.3,0 -7.9,3.5 -7.9,7.9v23.9c0,4.3 3.5,7.9 7.9,7.9h88c2.3,-15.7 10.2,-29.7 21.7,-39.7H68.4V440.2zM220.3,440.2c-27,0 -48.9,22 -48.9,49c0,27 22,48.9 48.9,48.9c27.1,0 48.9,-22 48.9,-48.9C269.2,462.1 247.4,440.2 220.3,440.2zM220.3,513.7c-13.5,0 -24.5,-11 -24.5,-24.5c0,-13.5 10.9,-24.5 24.5,-24.5c13.5,0 24.5,10.9 24.5,24.5C244.8,502.6 233.8,513.7 220.3,513.7zM338,150.6h-91.2c4.5,13.3 6.8,27.5 6.8,42.3c0,74.3 -60.4,134.7 -134.7,134.7c-13.5,0 -26.7,-2 -39,-5.7v86.9c0,4.3 3.5,7.9 7.9,7.9h266c4.3,0 7.9,-3.5 7.9,-7.9V174.2C361.6,161.1 351.1,150.6 338,150.6zM119,73.9C53.3,73.9 0,127.1 0,192.8s53.3,119 119,119s119,-53.3 119,-119S184.7,73.9 119,73.9zM119,284.7c-50.8,0 -91.9,-41.1 -91.9,-91.9c0,-50.8 41.1,-91.9 91.9,-91.9c50.8,0 91.9,41.1 91.9,91.9C210.9,243.6 169.7,284.7 119,284.7zM154.1,212.2c-1,0 -2.1,-0.1 -3.1,-0.4L112.6,201.5c-5.1,-1.4 -8.7,-6.1 -8.7,-11.4v-59c0,-6.5 5.3,-11.8 11.8,-11.8c6.5,0 11.8,5.3 11.8,11.8v50l29.6,8c6.3,1.7 10,8.2 8.3,14.5C164,208.8 159.3,212.2 154.1,212.2z",
  "company_id": "company_XXXXX_XXXXX_XXXX_XXXXX",
  "label": "Completed",
  "type": "mission_status_type",
  "_rev": "2-91d463e366228c2ba5b8eadce2f0035a",
  "_id": "status_completed:lalal"
On Create
RequireRole : company_id.mission_status_type.creating
On Update
RequireRole : company_id.mission_status_type.updating
On Delete
RequireRole : company_id.mission_status_type.deleting
Generate and assign channels
`owners` -> `mission_status_type:[company_id]`


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