Marionette layout that allows to define subviews inside regions in a declarative manner.
It extends from Marionette.LayoutView
to provide a simple way to attach subviews to a layout's regions. Each subview is instanciated and rendered by calling initializeComponents
method. Options and events can be passed to each component.
var DashboardLayout = Marionette.CompositeLayout.extend({
template: dashboardTpl,
regions: {
chart: '[data-chart]'
onCustomEvent: function() {
/* ... */
components: {
chart: {
view: ChartView,
region: 'chart',
events: {
'custom.event': 'onCustomEvent'
options: function () {
return {
foo: 'bar'
onRender: function() {
var dashboard = new DashboardLayout();
Copyright 2015, Filippo Mangione (@PhilMangione).
marionette.compositelayout.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license.