Since ancient civilizations, was observed that when specific planet cycle repeated some mundane events similar in nature to the past ones occurs again. The Babylonians was this first civilization that noted this correlation approximately 1800 BC, we are at 2021 and astrology is still in practice, loved by someones, hated by others. Is possible that some forecast power could be hidden behind the planets cycles?
Well, let's think a bit... From statisticians and market analyst perspective it's totally fine to accept that may exists a seasonal effect that can predict price. Right? Usually in times series that seasonality is model from monthly, weekly, quarterly and so forth as explained at Wikipedia Seasonality page. If you think about this, you may ask: What's a year, a month or a day? Is just time metrics, but it results that those metrics has connection with planets: our year is the relationship of the Earth longitude position with the Sun. Our months it's and approximation of the Moon cycle rotation of 28 days, our 24 hours (day / night) is the Earth rotation. Finally, our days names has similarity with some planet names and there was intention behind that as described at the Planetary Hours Wikipedia page. Aztecs also have a calendar in relation to sun, the famous Aztec Calendar big stone. Mayas as well has the Mayan Calendar where the Moon cycles are very important. The list of civilizations can continue with a long list but that's not the point.
The question is: Is possible that other cycles besides Moon and Sun could have similar seasonal correlation?
Astrology is just the non formal research from centuries that we have received from curious people that have noted some relationship between celestial events with mundane events. I'm quite sure which most of those are spurious patterns that occurred just by chance, but I have also noted some evidence during many years of research in planetary cycles that some correlations exists with human crisis, economical crashes, high volatility, bubbles and traders emotional behaviours.
We are very lucky to live in the digital era with the most power machine learning tools that many ancient civilizations wished to have to validate their observations. We have powerful statistics techniques, historical data with decades of observations, open source statistical software like my beloved R statistical language and lot of computational power in our laptops and in the cloud. If a relationship exits there should be a model fit of planetary cycles that can predict daily future prices approximations better than chance or than human forecasters. A good data scientist is that one curious to explore any possible idea. I'm curious enough and learning data science so let's give it a try. Why not?
TODO: Explain what are planets aspects.