- Status
We are currently integrating / relocating libraries into the MSTK framework.
Check out the integration branch for the most recent (and pretty stable) code.
- Available MSTK modules
Here is a list of modules/components that are currently available in MSTK:
- common: code used by all MSTK components (e.g. error handling, typedefs and logging)
- fe: the LC/MS feature extraction module
- ipaca: isotope pattern calculation
- psf: peak shape function modeling
- aas: provides standard elements and its corresponding isotope distributions, amino acids, standard modifications and its specificities, stoichiometries and amino acid sequences
- Building MSTK
In brief:
fulfill the MSTK dependencies. You need:
* boost (>=1.42), http://boost.org/ * vigra (>=1.5, for MSTK/psf only), http://hci.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/vigra/ * libfbi (1.3, for MSTK/fe only), https://github.com/mkirchner/libfbi/
clone git repo / get tar.gz / etc
clone/unzip into MSTK-src directory
cd ..; make MSTK-build; cd MSTK-build
Build all MSTK components, in release mode, include debug info and enable testing
cmake ../MSTK2-src -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DENABLE_TESTING=TRUE -DMSTK_COMPONENTS=common;fe;ipaca;psf -DVIGRA_INCLUDE_DIR=/path/to/vigra/includes -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/my/install/path
Use -DENABLE_EXAMPLES=TRUE to automatically build examples
make && make test
check if all tests succeeded
make install (this will also build the docs)