CLI scripts to help make yt-dlp simpler and more user friendly.
mp4, mp4 compressed, webm format options.
Playlist updator (run the script again with the same playlist)
Ease of use
OSes that have these package managers are supported:
apt: Debian/Ubuntu based
dnf: RHEL/Fedora based
pacman: Arch based
emerge: Gentoo based
NOTE: This does not mean the software will not work if you don't use these package managers. It means that the dependancies will not be automatically installed when using the or scripts.
curl | bash
This will download and verify its SHA256 signature.
If it is valid, running it clones the repo to /tmp then installs from there.
The repo will automatically be removed from /tmp so no user interaction necessary.
If the script's SHA256 signature doesn't match, it is deleted.
git clone
cd yt-dlp-utils
sudo make install
You may now remove the yt-dlp-utils
curl | bash
git clone
cd yt-dlp-utils
sudo make uninstall
Run yt-music
to download music
Run yt-video
to download videos
Run video-flags DIR URL
to download videos (DIR is the directory to save to, URL is the video url)
Run music-flags DIR URL
to download music (DIR is the directory to save to, URL is the video url)
Run yt-gui
in your terminal to pop up a window which will ask you for your download type, directory to save to, and video URL.
houses configuration files after first running yt-music
and yt-video
ffmpeg yt-dlp
You will need to install these with the provided script or script.
Screen is highly recommended when downloading large music/video files. Screen allows you to run commands and leave them in the background while still being able to resume the command. The command will still be running when you exit a screen.
To use screen with either script, put screen -mS "yt-dlp"
before you run the script. Ex: screen -mS "yt-dlp" ./yt-music
To exit the screen, run ctrl+a
then d
, to resume the screen, run screen -r yt-dlp
: create a new screen session, -S
: name screen session, "yt-dlp"
: name of screen session. Anything after "yt-dlp"
will be run inside the screen session. The screen session will terminate when the command is finished.
If your terminal outputs the following message:
Your software is out of date! Pull the latest repo to update!
that means you need to pull the latest version from github.
To do so, run git clone
then cd into the yt-dlp-utils
directory and run sudo make uninstall
to remove old scripts. Then run sudo make install
to install new scripts.