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Releases: firecmsco/firecms


19 Jun 16:11
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  • Renamed the cn utility class to cls, while keeping cn available with a deprecation warning.
  • Added Menubar documentation and missing skeleton docs.
  • Corrected properties order type to allow subcollections.
  • New UI section added to the landing page.
  • Improved saving and closing dialog flow.
  • Allow hiding IDs and entity links in references and previews.
  • Removed some CSS transitions.
  • Allow hiding the color mode toggle.
  • Added JSON view example.
  • Changed virtual table to use size in pixels.
  • Some design updates for better user experience.
  • Added back collection group column with parent IDs.
  • Improved empty results output.
  • Added sample prompts and suggestions for DataTalk.
  • Enhanced side entity view, dynamically calculated based on collection property depth.
  • Fixed mergeDeep types.
  • Fixed issue with exporting non-existing properties defined in propertiesOrder.
  • Fixed PRO template issues without Cloud projects.
  • Improved handling for enum values with value 0.


19 Jun 16:11
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  • Added AppCheck to every FireCMS variant.
  • Various fixes for datasource delegate.
  • Fix in saving cleaned data.
  • Cloud new user roles creation issue fixed.
  • Error message display issue in table cells fixed.
  • Subcollections updating issue fixed.
  • Import/export analytics and related data mapping conversions updated.
  • Updated and improved handling of user roles and permissions.
  • Enhanced the handling of service account files and project creation using SA.
  • Updated the behavior of unindexed queries.
  • User management connection to demo removed.
  • Dependency updates to mitigate security issues.
  • Exposing additional methods from data inference for better customization.
  • Pro template updates for improved UI/UX.
  • Updated documentation for collections and user management.


22 Apr 18:46
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  • [BREAKING] The main component for FireCMS Cloud has been renamed from FireCMSApp to FireCMSCloudApp. Please update
    your imports accordingly.
  • Fixes related to the CLI. You can now install the CLI globally with npm install -g @firecms/cli.


01 Apr 16:46
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  • [BREAKING] The package name for FireCMS Cloud has changed from firecms to @firecms/cloud. This is done
    to avoid conflicts with the main FireCMS package. If you are using FireCMS Cloud, you will need to update your
  • [BREAKING] If you are importing the tailwind configuration, you can now find the import at:
    import fireCMSConfig from "@firecms/ui/tailwind.config.js";
  • [BREAKING] In that case, you also need to add @tailwindcss/typography to your dev dependencies.
  • [BREAKING] You need to update your vite.config.js and replace the package name in the federated configuration:
    import { defineConfig } from "vite"
    import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react"
    import federation from "@originjs/vite-plugin-federation"
    export default defineConfig({
        esbuild: {
            logOverride: { "this-is-undefined-in-esm": "silent" }
        plugins: [
                name: "remote_app",
                filename: "remoteEntry.js",
                exposes: {
                    "./config": "./src/index"
                shared: ["react", "react-dom", "@firecms/cloud", "@firecms/core", "@firecms/firebase", "@firecms/ui"]
        build: {
            modulePreload: false,
            target: "esnext",
            cssCodeSplit: false,
  • Minor performance improvements and bug fixes.
  • Enhanced filtering and sorting capability for indexed fields.
  • Extended StorageSource to support custom bucketUrl.
  • Cleanup for navigation controller generics and Markdown prose classes.
  • Addressed User Management saving issues and renamed Cloud template.
  • Fixed ReferenceWidget.tsx rerenders.
  • Fixed homepage new collection button issue.
  • Fixed CLI templates path.
  • Roles integrated into AuthController.
  • Small change to plugins API.
  • Added user details to navigation bar dropdown.
  • Dependencies updated.
  • Entity view preview and title refactor.
  • Kanban board work in progress.
  • Fix for new radix empty select values.
  • Fixes for undefined properties in arrays and editor.
  • Additional parameters added in auth controllers.
  • Navigation cards refactor and Plugin API cleanup.
  • Fix for importing data with non-string IDs.
  • Documentation: Added recipe for managing entity callbacks.
  • Web updates and CLI fix for yarn.


05 Mar 19:29
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  • Fix for importing data in subcollections.
  • Code reordering.
  • Removed minification. Changed EntityReference type checks.
  • Editor image upload updates.
  • Cosmetic.
  • Moved tailwind.config.js editor plugin.
  • Removed callbacks in side navigation views, prevents bug.
  • PRO template fix.
  • PRO Login view cleanup.


27 Feb 18:28
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  • Added Formex package to handle forms across the platform. Formex is an in-house
    form management library with a similar API to Formik, but with better performance,
    and much more lightweight.
  • Enhanced onboarding process for new users.
  • Fixed data import issues for new collections.
  • Tweaked SaaS onboarding for better user experience.
  • Implemented regexp validation for input fields.
  • Improved login error feedback.
  • Extracted navigation controller for better manageability.
  • Updated styles for consistency.
  • Updated Vite and dependencies for performance and security.
  • Refactored user and role forms to use Formex.
  • Fixed table header forms and collection editor issues.
  • Addressed incorrect JSON import problems.
  • Removed Formik, enhancing form management with Formex.
  • Made minor HTML nesting and debounce fixes.
  • Fixed array container menu and multiline input bugs.
  • Migrated Tailwind configuration to lib for easier management.
  • Adjusted Sentry configuration for error reporting.
  • Fix for subcollections edit view showing empty.
  • Fixes for block and group properties in editor saving multiple entries when editing an existing sub property.


21 Feb 12:17
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The first beta release of FireCMS v3.0.0.
Check all the new features and improvements in the documentation
and the migration guide.


09 Nov 22:23
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  • Fix for missing subcollection links.
  • New email and password login flow
  • Removed add button in collection group
  • Export fixes
  • Fix for collections search


12 Sep 14:47
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  • [BREAKING] The logic to verify valid filter combinations has been moved to the DataSource interface.
    This improves the ability to customize the data source and allows for more complex filters.
    This change will only affect you if you have implemented a custom data source. You will need to
    add a isFilterCombinationValid method to your data source.
  • You can now use nested spreadChildren in map properties, allowing to show arbitrary
    nested structures as single columns in the collection view.
  • The collection count value is now updated with filters applied.
  • Fix for csv export not working when underlying data is invalid.
  • Fix for bug of collection search returning a single result.
  • Fix for reference fields breaking with incorrect values.


19 Jun 18:16
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  • Fix for forceFilter not being applied correctly in reference views.
  • Fix for nullable enum validation config.