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⚡ Prototypical front-end implementation of the Solidity Smart Contract Stack presented in EnBW's b2e2 Energy Token Model Whitepaper using Vue.js and Drizzle. Created during the Blockchain Hackathon 2021 at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in cooperation with EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG


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B2E2 - Smart Contracts

This Repository is the work of three KIT Students and was build in cooperation with Energie Baden-Württemberg AG (EnBW). This Application was developed during the first Blockchain Hackathon of the Institute for Critical Information Infrastructure in March and April 2021. The Application allows the controlling and to managing of the market setup with its authorities and institutions.

The underlying Smart Contract was developed by the EnBW based on the white paper 'EnergyTokenModel'. This paper describes how distributed ledger technology or blockchain can be used in the energy industry providing a basis for a blockchain based energy ecosystem in which use cases as i.e. energy sharing, proof of origin, local markets can be realized. The presented Smart Contact approach shows a way how real-world objects can be digitally mapped on a blockchain and how properties and transactions can be documented in a trustworthy way. The White Paper is currently available for download in German language here.

The Blockchain identities are implemented with the ERC725 and ERC735 standards. The energy tokens are implemented with the ERC1155 standard.


To run this project you need node.js installed on your system:

Cloning the repository

git clone --recursive

Installing Dependencies

cd blockchain-hackathon-enbw
npm install

cd dependencies/jsmnSol
npm install

Set Up a local Chain with Ganache

Alternative 1

Launch Ganache App:

  • Workspace:

press "Add Project" and add the truffle-config.js from the root folder

  • Server:

Make sure Hostname is - IoO

Change Port Number to: 8545

  • Accounts & Keys:

change (optinal): add the mnemonic (for easy setup and support scripts) "bread leave edge glide soda seat trim armed canyon rural cross scheme"

  • CHAIN:

Change GAS LIMIT to: 10000000

Select Hardfork: Peterburg

Start the Workspace

Alternative 2

start a chain from a terminal with

npx ganache-cli --gasLimit 10000000 -m "bread leave edge glide soda seat trim armed canyon rural cross scheme"

Set Up MetaMask

  • Download MetaMask PlugIn
  • SetUp an Account on MetaMask
  • Hint: recover all accounts at once with the mnemonic you used to start the chain
  • Select Properties -> Network -> Add Network
  • Enter a Name as the Networkname
  • New RPC-URL: HTTP://
  • Chain ID: 1337

Build & Run Application

  • Commands to deploy the Contracts on Ganache

    npx truffle migrate

  • Start the json-server

    node ./mockServer/server.js

  • Start the vue server

    npm run serve

  • Open the locally served side with your browser (default: http://localhost:8080) and connect your meta mask accounts

Setup a market

To setup the market you'll need to add some market authorities first:

  • Market Authority: The market authority is set as accounts[9] by the truffle migrations

  • Balance / Metering / Physical Asset Authority: Login with an Account of your choice, create an identity contract, and then head over to the market authority (accounts[9]) and add the respective claim to the address of the identity contract

  • If you used the mnemonic from above to create your chain you can use this command to setup all three authorities for the accounts[6] - accounts[8]:

    truffle exec ./truffleScripts/setupAuthorities.js


⚡ Prototypical front-end implementation of the Solidity Smart Contract Stack presented in EnBW's b2e2 Energy Token Model Whitepaper using Vue.js and Drizzle. Created during the Blockchain Hackathon 2021 at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in cooperation with EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG








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