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Matt Turner edited this page Jul 30, 2016 · 1 revision

Command level settings

Command level settings are unique to your command and will overwrite the Global setting equivalent

"cmd": "VALUE"

This is the command / script that will be launched in the terminal. (Command setting)

Where Value is a command or script.

"cmd": "ps aux | grep [s]sh"

Would check for ssh processes.

"name": "VALUE"

This sets the text that will appear in shuttles drop down menu. (Command setting)

Were Value is the text you want to see in the drop down menu for this command.

"name": "SSH to my wordpress blog"

This value can also set the title of the terminal window if "title" :"VALUE" is not set.

"inTerminal": "VALUE",

This sets how command will open in the terminal window. (Command setting)

Possible values are new, tab, or current

new opens the command in a new terminal window.

tab opens the command in the active terminal window in a new tab.

current opens the command in the active terminal's window.

When using using current I recommend that you wrap the command in some user input like this:

echo "are you sure y/n"; read sure; if [ "$sure" == "y" ]; then echo "running command" && ps aux | grep [s]sh; else echo "exiting..."; fi

Do this as a precaution as it could be possible to run a command on the wrong host.

"theme": "VALUE",

This sets the theme for the terminal window. (Command setting)

Possible values are the profile names for iTerm or OS X Terminal.

If "theme" is not set and "default_theme" is not set then shuttle passes Profile Default for iTerm and Profile basic for OS X terminal.

"title": "VALUE"

This sets the text that will appear in the terminal's title bar. (Command setting)

Where VALUE is the text you want to set in the terminals title bar.

If title is missing shuttle uses the menu's name and sets this as title