This module consists of python script, docker image, config file and systemd service.
Systemd service starts python script which finds specified st-link and flipper, runns docker container with image builded from /docker directory with the forwarded devices. Docker image starts with the 'REPAIR' state, flashing latest release build will occur here, and then then docker container will exit with the some exit code. This script will exit here if the docker container's exit code isn't equal to 0. In case of success python script will run docker container again in 'NORMAL' state. In this state docker container will register a Self-Hosted Github runner.
File should be placed in /var/lib/flipper-docker/flipper-docker.cfg
[github] # required
access_token = GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN # required
org_name = GITHUB_ORG_NAME # required
[gelf] # optional
host = GELF_HTTP_UPLOAD_URL # optional
port = GELF_HTTP_UPLOAD_PORT # optional
username = GELF_HTTP_UPLOAD_BASIC_AUTH_USER # optional
password = GELF_HTTP_UPLOAD_BASIC_AUTH_PASS # optional
GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN - Github Personal Access Token GITHUB_ORG_NAME - Github authorization name GELF_HTTP_UPLOAD_URL - gelf http hostname GELF_HTTP_UPLOAD_PORT - gelf http port GELF_HTTP_UPLOAD_BASIC_AUTH_USER - gelf http basic auth user (if needed) GELF_HTTP_UPLOAD_BASIC_AUTH_PASS - gelf http basic auth password (if needed)
For each Flipper+ST-Link pair you need an individual systemd service
Description=Dockerized github runner FLIPPER_SHORT_NAME
# for example:
# ExecStart=sudo /usr/bin/ flip_Testii 002F00000000000000000001 FlipperZeroIntegrationTest
KillSignal=SIGINT # it't important to unregister a github runner before shutting down a container