v0.9.1 (15 January 2025)
This is a bugfix release, it has no new features.
- [Bugfix] Main window doesn't restore correctly on Hyprland (#48).
- [Bugfix] Unhandled SystemError if Flowkeeper is upgraded while a pomodoro is running (#62).
- [Bugfix] Broken fonts / squares instead of characters on Ubuntu 23.10 (#68).
- [Bugfix] "Unhandled JSONDecodeError" behind the proxy (#69, #73).
- [Bugfix] Flowkeeper crashes when you select a directory as a data file (#70).
- [Bugfix] Error when trying to start another pomodoro while the timer is running (#72, #74).
- [Bugfix] On Windows, the main window close button is disabled (#77).
- [Bugfix] Flowkeeper doesn't switch to focus mode after one completed pomodoro (#79).
- [Bugfix] Unhandled AttributeError when computer wakes up from sleep while playing audio (#81).
- [Bugfix] There's no sound until you change Audio settings once (#85).
- [Bugfix] Able to click "next pomodoro" after marking workitem complete (#88).
- [Technical] Enhanced bug reporting - GitHub issues now include info about versions.
- [Technical] New command-line flag: --debug, enables debug logs for this session.
- [Technical] System proxy settings are applied automatically.
- [Technical] Using embedded Noto Sans font by default, see Settings > Fonts.