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Felipe Lavratti edited this page Apr 20, 2017 · 2 revisions

What is it?

This is the public project planning document. It is not ideal but it does the job for the current stage of the project.

Please, if you want to contribute with ideas and features requests, add comments below and feel free to comment on the proposed features by other users' comments or this document.

I'm very glad to have you on board, even if it is only to comment.



  • Quick start template - it could be good for users if they could start from a project template instead of having to implement it from scratch.
  • A unified single header "racto.h" is pending.
  • Rename all functions and files with the reacto_ prefix to avoid namespace colisions.
  • Timed Queues uesses a linked list for implementation that is not ISR safe.


  • Clarification on how to integrate reacto in the user own build system (by copying the src and include folder, etc.) 12

Open discussions

  • We must find ways to simplify react.o's API, give it more syntax sugar and turn it easiers for non hackers to use.
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