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KittyCoin Club DApp

Donation site for cats in foster care built on smart contracts.

Build Status Coverage Status Ethereum Solidity Node.js


This repository houses the's donation system. It has been built using Ethereum smart contracts.

Contract Design

Developing This Contract

In order to develop this contract the following steps were taken to setup the environment.

Install and run Ganache CLI (formally you would have used TestRPC). Alternatively you can install Ganche UI.

$ npm install -g ganache-cli
$ ganache-cli

When you run Ganache you'll be presented with 10 accounts with private keys. The RPC service that you can interact with the blockchain through is also available on localhost:8545 for the CLI version and localhost:7545 for the GUI.

Navigate into the root of this project and install truffle (if you haven't already got it). Run the truffle test command to compile and test the contracts.

npm install -g truffle
npm run test

If you watch the ganache-cli output you'll see various transactions taking place while your the contracts unit tests are executed.

Here's and example of a transaction:

Listening on localhost:8545

  Transaction: 0x0c53488c3db64d41f972dfa9ce4d96f123f404f2a72fc7e843e5c8265b34c8ee
  Contract created: 0x926f5105ea9e1cbf4476a5437e42c5880b78309a
  Gas usage: 269607
  Block Number: 1
  Block Time: Wed Jan 17 2018 22:42:34 GMT+0800 (AWST)

When npm run test is executed it uses the config within the truffle-config.js file. This runs the test against a network run with lite-server and testrpc (this method is not longer the defacto way of working, however its easier for us to deploy and use with

The configuration for running the network locally using truffle is in the truffle.js file with the configuration below.

    test: {
        host: "localhost",
        gasPrice: 1,
        gas: 0xffffffff,
        port: 7545,
        network_id: "*", // Match any network id

Note: I have 7545 in this file as I've been using the GUI version of Ganache which defaults to this port.

When you are ready to test, run the ganache-cli or ganache gui client and then execute the following to compile and deploy the contracts to the network

truffle compile
truffle migrate

then to run the dev application use the following

npm install
npm run dev

Send yourself some ETH

You can use the truffle console to send yourself some ETH to use. Replace your address with the one in the to: field

$ truffle console

truffle(development)> web3.eth.sendTransaction({from:web3.eth.accounts[0], to:'0xb39274C9887d314Ba65dA9929f3d0E94893570A7', value: web3.toWei(20, "ether")})



This smart contract used Giveth's Base layer contract structure. Check out the amazing work they are doing at Giveth's website.

Ownable.sol contract is provided by the zeppelin-solidity repo.