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A tool for checking a Flutter plugin structure.



Each issue has a level parameter that describes its significant importance.

Level Description
NORMAL Issue not found
WARNING Issue is not serious and can't break a build
ERROR Issue is critical and can break a build


Check Description Level
PluginDirectoriesCheck Check plugin directories structure in pubspec file. Example: if a Flutter plugin has only Android specific code but not contains iOS folder with description, then iOS build fails ERROR
PluginPubspecNameCheck Check plugin name in pubspec file. Exists or not ERROR
PluginPubspecDescriptionCheck Check plugin description in pubspec file. Exists or not WARNING
PluginPubspecVersionCheck Check plugin version in pubspec. Exists or not ERROR
PluginPubspecAuthorCheck Check plugin author in pubspec. Exists or not. author section deprecated in pubspec.yaml WARNING
PluginPubspecHomepageCheck Check plugin homepage in pubspec. Exists or not ERROR
PluginPubspecLintsCheck Check Flutter plugin lints dependency in pubspec file. Exists or not ERROR
PluginPubspecFlutterLintsCheck Check Flutter plugin flutter_lints dependency in pubspec file. Exists or not ERROR


Check Description Level
PluginGradleAndroidPackageCheck Validate that \android\ package not exists in Gradle project config (build.gradle file) ERROR
PluginGradleVersionCheck Check plugin version in Gradle project config (build.gradle file). Version must be the same as plugin version in pubspec file WARNING


Check Description Level
PluginPodspecNameCheck Check plugin name in podspec file. Exists or not WARNING
PluginPodspecVersionCheck Check plugin version in podspec file. Exists or not WARNING
PluginPodspecAuthorsCheck Check plugin's authors in podspec file. Exists or not ERROR
PluginPodspecSourceCheck Check plugin iOS source path in podspec file. If Flutter plugin cannot contains iOS specific code, source path must be '.' ERROR

How to use


You should add flutter-rb-gradle-plugin to Android side of your plugin.

Download gem from RubyGems

$ gem i flutter_rb

Then run from a Flutter plugin's project folder:

$ frb

As local installed gem

Build and install gem from sources:

$ gem build flutter_rb.gemspec
$ gem i flutter_rb

Then run from a Flutter plugin's project folder:

$ frb

As local executable

Add project_folder/bin (where project_folder is path to project on your machine) to PATH variable in your environment. Then updated environment and run from a Flutter plugin's project folder:

$ local_frb


Argument Description
--help Print help info
--checkstyle-report Generate report in Checkstyle format


Add .flutter_rb.yaml to root of a project for select checks that you are want to exclude:

    - check1
    - check2
    - check3
    - check1
    - check2
    - check1
    - check2

Output report

Tool can make report in Checkstyle format. To enable this feature, pass --checkstyle-report as an CLI argument. The report file name is frb-checkstyle-report.xml.

How to contribute

Read Commit Convention. Make sure your build is green before you contribute your pull request. Then:

$ bundle exec rake

If you don't see any error messages, submit your pull request.
