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Persistent Notification for Capacitor

A Capacitor plugin that allows a continuous background service by using a persistent notification in Android. Your background task/service is written in JavaScript, no need for platform specific code (except that required of enabling a Capacitor plugin.)

Based upon, though not a fork of, the Cordova Background Mode Plugin.

In order to allow an app written in HTML5/Javascript/CSS to continuously run in the background using a persistent foreground service notification in Android.

This plugin uses the new Ionic/Capacitor plugin system

Unfortunately, because of system limitations, this plugin ONLY works on Android! The plugin calls are NO-OP on the web platform, and non-existent in iOS and Electron. Further research may allow a persistent background service in Electron. iOS does not have a system that allows a persistent background service. (I understand there are hacky methods to make it work in iOS, but until there is a proper API I plan no updates for iOS.)

KNOWN ISSUE LIMITATION: Unfortunately because the JavaScript code used to run a Capacitor app lives in an Android Activity, it is not currently possible to restart a service upon shutdown, crash, or reboot. See Android limitation. I am currently researching possible solutions. For now try to keep memory consumption to a minimum while app is in "background" state.

      Examples        |        API        |        Changelog        |        Donate

NPM Repository



Ensure Android is added to your Capacitor based project:

npx cap add android

Use NPM in your project directory to install the plugin.

npm install capacitor-persistent-notification@latest --save
npx cap update

Getting Started

Ensure your project includes the Capacitor plugin code.

Standard HTML import:

<script src="capacitor.js"></script>
const { Plugins } = Capacitor;
const { PersistentNotification } = Plugins;

or Node Imports:

import { Plugins } from '@capacitor/core';

const { PersistentNotification } = Plugins;

Be sure to add the plugin to your MainActivity in your Android project:

import com.flytesoft.persistent.notification.PersistentNotification;

public class MainActivity extends BridgeActivity {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    // Initializes the Bridge
    this.init(savedInstanceState, new ArrayList<Class<? extends Plugin>>() {
            // Additional plugins you've installed go here
            // Ex: add(TotallyAwesomePlugin.class);

Add the foreground service permission to the AndroidManifest.xml:

<!-- Permissions -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />

Example Code

It is recommended, although not required, to open your notification upon your app closing:

const { PersistentNotification, App, BackgroundTask } = Plugins;

let listener = null;

App.addListener('appStateChange', (state) => {
    // Listen for user clicks on the notification.  
    // OK to listen before opening.
    listener = constPersistentNotification.addListener('notificationclick', ({ action } => {
        console.log("Persistent notification click: ", action);
        if(!action) // A button was NOT clicked.
            // Put the app in the foreground 
            // and close the notification, if desired.
        else // A button was clicked by the user.
            if(action === 'button-click2')
                console.log("Button 2 was clicked!");

    if (!state.isActive) // App has gone inactive or closed
        // Get some work done before the app closes completely.
        const taskId = BackgroundTask.beforeExit(async () => {
                    title: "Background Forever!", 
                    icon: "icons/icon.png",  
                    // Icon asset exist in www/icons/icon.png
                    // Icon asset always based upon TLD and 
                    // NOT the location of your code.
                    body: "We can run continuously!",
                    actions: [{
                            title: "button", 
                            action: "button-click", 
                            icon: "icons/icon.png"
                            title: "button2",
                            action: "button-click2", 
                            icon: "icons/icon.png"

                // See if the notification is open.
                const { isOpen } = await PersistentNotification.getState();

                console.log("Is open: ", isOpen);
                console.log("Unable to start background service: ", e);

            // Let the app close.

         * It is recommended you stop any code that updates the DOM:  
         * The DOM will still be 'awake' but not visible to the user.  
         * So save CPU power.
         * stopVisualTasks();
         * */
        // Now do your continuous background task.
        // Update the notification as necessary.
        let interval = 1;
        setInterval(() => {
                body: `Seconds gone by: ${interval}`);
        }, 1000);
    else // App is now opening or resuming.
        // OK to close un-opened notification.
            catch(e => {
                console.log("Trouble closing the persistent notification: ", e);

        // remove the listener.
        if(listener != null)
            listener = null;


The API is similar to the the standard ES6+ Notification API. However, the PersistentNotification class is completely static and all methods return Promises, as do most of the Capacitor APIs and plugins.[options]) ⇒ Promise

A method to open and configure your persistent notification. Returns success upon notification opening. Configuration options are only optional if you have previously called the update method.

Kind: Static instance method of PersistentNotification
Category: async
Fulfil: undefined
Throws: Error

Param Type Description
[options] object Similar to the Notification API options.
[options.title] string Set the title of the notification. Limited HTML may be used (Required)
[options.body] string Set the content or body area of the notification. Limited HTML may be used (Required)
[options.color] string Set the highlight color of the notification. Hex code or color names only. If undefined or invalid, defaults to blue.
[options.actions] Array.<NotificationAction> An array of one or more buttons to be included.
[options.icon] string Location of the icon to be displayed in the status bar for the notification. Must use a relative path to icon resource from your top level directory. If undefined or invalid, a default icon is provided.
[options.badge] string Location of a large (badge type) icon to be displayed in the notification. Must use a relative path to the resource from your top level directory. If undefined or invalid, no badge is displayed.

PersistentNotification.update([options]) ⇒ Promise

A method to configure and/or update a current notification. If a notification is not already open your configuration will be maintained until open is called. Only update options you need to update. See open for parameters.

Kind: Static instance method of PersistentNotification
Category: async
Fulfil: undefined
Throws: Error

PersistentNotification.close(void) ⇒ Promise

Closes the notification. If the notification is not open, the method is NO-OP and returns success. If unable to close the notification an error is thrown.

Kind: Static instance method of PersistentNotification
Category: async
Fulfil: undefined
Throws: Error

PersistentNotification.appToForeground(void) ⇒ Promise

Brings the main application view or webview into the foreground. If the app is already in the foreground the method is NO-OP. Useful to call when the user has clicked on the notification.

Kind: Static instance method of PersistentNotification
Category: async
Fulfil: undefined

PersistentNotification.getState(void) ⇒ Promise

A promise that returns whether the notification is currently open.

Kind: Static instance method of PersistentNotification
Category: async
Fulfil: state

PersistentNotification.addListener(eventName: 'notificationclick', listenerFunc: (data: action) => void) : ListenerHandle

Kind: Static instance method of PersistentNotification
Category: EventListener
Returns: ListenerHandle

Add an event listener when the notification is clicked. The data object is passed to the listener function.

Param Type Description
data object Data object passed to event listener function
data.action string Actions string value, if a button is clicked the value will be the 'action' or title of that button. An empty string indicates the notification was clicked by the user.

ListenerHandle object

Category: object

Object containing the event listener for the notification. Call remove() to delete the event listener.

Param Type Description
remove function Remove the event listener.

NotificationAction object

Category: object

Object containing the options for a button to be displayed in the notification, similar to the NotificationAction object in ES6+.

Param Type Description
[title] string The title of the button (required).
[action] string The action data of the button, will be returned upon 'notificationclick' event. If undefined, the title will be used.
[icon] string Location of the icon to be displayed in the button. Must use a relative path to icon resource from your top level directory. If undefined or invalid, a default icon is provided. The icon is NOT displayed in Android 9.0+.

state object

Category: object

Object containing the state information of the notification

Param Type Description
[isOpen] boolean Whether the notification is open or not.



  • Kill some memory leaks.
  • Attempt to ready code to handle service crashes/restarts.


  • Performance improvements.
  • Longer text may be used in the body.
  • Body and title of notification may use limited HTML markup.
  • Readme fixes.


  • Readme fixes.


  • Readme fixes.


  • Readme fixes.
  • Distribution file fixes.


  • Initial commit.

Donation / Tips

If you found this project useful and you would like to help buy me a cup of coffee, consider a donation via Paypal. (Not tax deductible. Non-charitable.) Either way, I am hoping you find this project useful.
