Peristaltic perfusion pumps are well suited for use in a bioreactor, but current designs are expensive, have limited capacity, not readily scalable, lack real time feedback, and are complicated to configure with high granularity.
We are building a cost effective multichannel peristaltic perfusion pump system with noncontact inline flow sensors that can be used in a bioreactor. The pump will provide real-time feedback and the user must be able to program each pump to a different speed.
Open a terminal and cd to a new, empty directory
mkdir peristalticPump
cd peristalticPump
Clone the repository into that dir
Install the necessary modules and requirements, either in a virtualenv
(suggested) or on your OS's built in Python3 instance. For Linux and Mac:
python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
cd Peristaltic-Pump
python3 -m virtualenv env
source env/BIN/activate
Install the modules listed in requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
On windows:
py install -r requirements.txt
Launch interface
Arduinos run low-level C code to listen for inputs, parse the inputs, and output corresponding commands to each motor.
The Raspberry Pi launches a Graphical User Interface (GUI) built with Python 3, using the tkinter framework for display and control.
takes in the input from the GUI, converts it to commands, and sends those through a serial connection to the Arduinos.