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Building wheels for Windows

NOTE: By default, this works only on Windows due to platform settings in file


  • Visual Studio
  • CMake (currently pyfmipp works only with CMake 3.x)
  • Python: install packages wheel and setuptools using pip:
            pip install wheel setuptools

Building the wheel

  • build the FMI++ library (using CMake and Visual Studio)

    • use commits starting from 10b4dbe
  • copy the libraries (FMI++, Boost, SUNDIALS, MSVC runtime):

    • <fmipp-build-dir>\export\swig\ : copy to <py-fmipp-dir>\fmipp\export
    • <fmipp-build-dir>\import\swig\ : copy to <py-fmipp-dir>\fmipp
    • <fmipp-build-dir>\import\swig\Release_fmippim.pyd : copy to <py-fmipp-dir>\fmipp\lib
    • <fmipp-build-dir>\import\swig\Release_fmippex.pyd : copy to <py-fmipp-dir>\fmipp\lib
    • <fmipp-build-dir>\Release\fmippim.dll : copy to <py-fmipp-dir>\fmipp\lib
    • <fmipp-build-dir>\Release\fmippex.dll : copy to <py-fmipp-dir>\fmipp\lib
    • <fmipp-build-dir>\Release\fmi2.dll : copy to <py-fmipp-dir>\fmipp\export\bin
    • <fmipp-build-dir>\Release\libfmipp_fmu_frontend.lib : copy to <py-fmipp-dir>\fmipp\export\bin
    • <sundials-lib-dir>\sundials_cvode.dll : copy to <py-fmipp-dir>\fmipp\lib
    • <boost-lib-dir>\boost_filesystem-.dll : copy to <py-fmipp-dir>\fmipp\lib
    • MSVC runtime libraries (e.g., msvcp140.dll & vcruntime.dll) : copy to <py-fmipp-dir>\fmipp\lib
  • run python bdist_wheel --python-tag <python_tag> -p <platform_tag> in the command line, where:

    • <python_tag> is the python version used (e.g. cp39)
    • <platform_tag> refers to the platform used (i.e. win32 or win_amd64)

NOTE: There are batch scripts available in subfolder release for automating the build for several configurations (win32/win_amd64, cp27/cp36/cp37).

NOTE: SUNDIALS version 3.1.2 is required.

Installation from local

  • to install the wheel run:
        pip install path\to\wheel\fmipp-<version>-<python_tag>-none-<platform_tag>.whl

Creating source distribution packages for Linux

NOTE: By default, this works only on Linux due to platform settings in file


  • make sure to have installed (e.g. via apt-get or aptitude):
    • Python (package python-dev)
    • pip (package python-pip)
    • git (package git)
  • install package setuptools using pip:
        pip install setuptools
  • download the FMI++ source code into subfolder source (./source/fmipp) using git:
        cd source
        git clone fmipp
        rm -rf fmipp/.git

Generating the source distribution package

  • to create the fmipp-<version>.tar.gz source distribution file run:
        python3 sdist

Installation from local

  • make sure to have installed (e.g. via apt-get or aptitude):
    • SWIG (package swig)
    • SUNDIALS (package libsundials-serial-dev, version == 3.1.2)
    • Boost (package libboost-all-dev)
  • to install the source distribution run:
        python3 -m pip install /path/to/sdist/fmipp-<version>.tar.gz

Uploading to PyPI

  • install twine via pip install twine
  • run twine upload dist\*

Installation from PyPI


  • run pip install fmipp --prefer-binaries
  • to re-download the package instead of using a cached version, set the flag --no-cache-dir

Linux (Ubuntu 20.04)

  • Requirements: make sure to have installed (e.g. via apt) the following dependencies
    • Python (package python3)
    • SWIG (package swig)
    • SUNDIALS (package libsundials-serial-dev, version == 3.1.2)
    • Boost (package libboost-all-dev)
    • pip (package python3-pip)
  • run pip install fmipp