Hi, I'm Florian Mirus 
I'm currently working as Researcher Dependable Driving Automation and Robotics with Intel Labs, Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Scenario Execution for Robotics is a backend- and middleware-agnostic library for scenari0-based robotics testing written in Python based on the generic scenario description language OpenSCENARIO 2 and pytrees
- torcs_ros is a ROS2 wrapper for The Open Source Race Car Simulator (TORCS).
- Scenario Execution for Robotics: A generic, backend-agnostic library for running reproducible robotics experiments and tests
- Towards Fault-Tolerant Deployment of Mobile Robot Navigation in the Edge: An Experimental Study
- Towards a cognitive automotive environment model: a novel approach based on distributed representations and spiking neural networks
- The Importance of Balanced Data Sets: Analyzing a Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Model based on Neural Networks and Distributed Representations