A utility to convert 'snd '
Apple Sound Manager sounds to WAV.
- Easily extract sound samples from
files. - Supports all sound header formats.
- Supports IMA4, MACE 3:1, μ-law and a-law compression.
- (Should be) platform independent.
- Only supports sounds containing a single sound sample, and nothing else.
- Can only output
- git (recommended)
- cmake>=3.7.0
- Your favorite C++11 compliant compiler
To download and build, execute:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/fordcars/SndToWAV
cd SndToWAV && mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../src
The executable will be in the bin
SndToWAV -input INPUT_FILE [-blocksize BLOCKSIZE]
[-ID RESOURCE_ID | -name RESOURCE_NAME] [-verbose]
--help, --h display help
-input resource fork (.rsrc file) containing 'snd ' resources
Optional options:
-blocksize blocksize of the resource fork, in bytes (default is 4096)
-ID ID of sound resource to extract
-name name of sound resource to extract
-verbose enable verbose logging
If no ID or name is specified, will extract all sounds from the resource fork.
- jorio and ffmpeg for MACE decoding. See MACEDecoder.cpp for copyright and license notices.
- jorio for μ-law and a-law decoding. See XLawDecoder.cpp for copyright and license notices.