This is an open-source project connected to Formaloo CDP to calculate a tweeter and his/her followings rank. For each tweeter you have a customer in CDP database. each customer has a field named score, that is calculated by CDP based on the tweeter account information like number of tweets, age of the tweeter account etc.
Clone this repository and import into Android Studio
git clone
You can install TwitterRank APK on your phone.
- MVVM: Model View ViewModel with LiveData.
To access CDP API token you need an account on Formaloo CDP. After sign in to your account go to connection tab and copy the provided key.
You can create your own Twitter developer account to get BEARER_TOKEN and replace yours.
The application supports Android 4.4 KitKat (API level 19) and above.
- Kotlin
- AppCompat, CardView and RecyclerView
- Coroutines
- Koin di
- Retrofit 2
- Glide
- MPAndroidChart, speedView