This library makes it easy to use obfuscation in your application code, allowing you to obscure numeric ids before sending them to a client (such as in a JSON API or other web service). This library is backed by foxhound-systems/hashids-st
, which itself is an implementation of the obfuscation interface.
The Web.Obfuscate
module provides CanObfuscate
and CanDeobfuscate
typeclasses along with several default instances for basic data types. In addition to manually defining your own instances, Web.Obfuscate.TH
will derive a sensible default using deriveObfuscate
import Web.Obfuscate
import Hashids
hashidsContext :: HashidsContext
hashidsContext = ctx
(Right ctx) = mkHashidsContext "test-salt-please-ignore" 7 defaultAlphabet
getUser :: Obfuscated UserId -> IO (User)
getUser obfuscatedUserId =
maybeUserId <- deobfuscate hashidsContext obfuscatedUserId
case maybeUserId of
Just userId ->
fetchUserById userId
Nothing ->
throwIO err400
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module ForumResponse
import Web.Obfuscate
import Web.Obfuscate.TH
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- Another module that defines another custom obfuscatable type
import ForumAdministrator
data ForumResponse = ForumResponse
{ frForumId :: ForumId
, frName :: Text
, frDescription :: Text
, frCreator :: ForumAdministrator
, frAdministrators :: [ForumAdministrator]
$(deriveObfuscate defaultObfuscationOptions ''ForumResponse)
The above Template Haskell code will generate something like the following:
data ObfuscatedForumResponse = ObfuscatedForumResponse
{ obfrForumId :: Obfuscated ForumId
, obfrName :: Text
, obfrDescription :: Text
, obfrCreator :: Obfuscated ForumAdministrator
, obfrAdministrators :: Obfuscated [ForumAdministrator]
type instance Obfuscated ForumResponse = ObfuscatedForumResponse
instance CanObfuscate ForumResponse where
obfuscate ctx forumResponse =
{ obfrForumId = obfuscate ctx $ frForumId forumResponse
, obfrName = frName forumResponse
, obfrDescription = frDescription forumResponse
, obfrCreator = obfuscate ctx $ frCreator forumResponse
, obfrAdministrators = obfuscate ctx $ frAdministrators forumResponse
instance CanDeobfuscateForumResponse where
deobfuscate ctx obfuscatedForumResponse = do
forumId <- deobfuscate ctx $ obfrForumId obfuscatedForumResponse
creator <- deobfuscate ctx $ obfrCreator obfuscatedForumResponse
administrators <- deobfuscate ctx $ obfrAdministrators obfuscatedForumResponse
pure $ ForumResponse
{ frForumId = forumId
, frName = obfrName obfuscatedForumResponse
, frDescription = obfrDescription obfuscatedForumResponse
, frCreator = creator
, frAdministrators = administrators
Development of this library is done using Nix. With nix
installed, following command to start a ghcid session in an isolated environment and run the reloading tests:
nix-shell --run "make tests-watch"
Run nix-build
to perform a full build of the library.
See the LICENSE file.