- 除了新装好的vs2017外没有任何dependency
- 尽量简化ctf中遇到的任何重复性工作
请使用最新版VS以获得一般的使用体验 (不用ide就是噩梦级别的使用体验)
//if u want to check on examples, call the extern funcs
// in main.cpp
//please open this project with Visual Studio
// (latest version) for (maybe) a fine experience
//currently supported functions:
//1/ remote connection to a host, equivalent to the
// Tubes module in the pwntools library
//2/ Big Integer Calculation
//3/ Serveral Cipers
//4/ Serveral Encodings
//5/ Logger support, keep yourself informed on which
// step your kit is working on
//6/ RSA Public Key Parse AND <N factorization>!
// with factordb(more in examples)
//there are funtions under development. update your resporitry once a while!