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* "The Maximum Transmission Switching Flow Problem", 2018, ACM e-Energy, doi:10.1145/3208903.3208910.

Changes to be committed:
	new file:   evaluations/2018_ACM_The-Maximum-Transmission-Switching-Flow-Problem/statistics/plot_dtp_betweenness_centrality_all.R
  • Loading branch information
franziska-wegner committed Jan 5, 2024
1 parent 71faeb6 commit 1a007c6
Showing 1 changed file with 258 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
#! /opt/local/bin/Rscript
# plot_dtp_betweenness_centrality_all.R
# Created on: -
# Author: Franziska Wegner
# This script computes the DTP betweenness centrality plot with all cases
# "The Maximum Transmission Switching Flow Problem", 2018, ACM e-Energy,
# doi:10.1145/3208903.3208910.

# R include
source("../Helper/plotting.R", chdir=T)
source("../Helper/colors.R", chdir=T)

## try http:// if https:// URLs are not supported
# source("")
# biocLite("BiSeq")
## Documentation
# browseVignettes("BiSeq")
# require(BiSeq)

# Commandline arguments
args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
argument.path <- args[1]
argument.output <- args[2]
argument.standAlone <- args[3]

argument.lowerQuantile <- args[4]
argument.avgQuantile <- args[5]
argument.upperQuantile <- args[6]

argument.latex_path <- args[7]

# Path to the data files
if ( ) {
argument.path <- "/Users/fwegner/Documents/work/paper/MTSF-ACM-e-Energy/02-ACM/data/results/DTP-Betweenness/"

# Output path
if ( ) {
argument.output <- "/Users/fwegner/Documents/work/paper/MTSF-ACM-e-Energy/02-ACM/plots/plot_dtp_betweenness_centrality_all_quantiles"

# Standalone
if ( ) {
argument.standAlone <- FALSE
if ( argument.standAlone == "TRUE" ) {
argument.standAlone <- TRUE
} else {
argument.standAlone <- FALSE

if ( ) {
argument.lowerQuantile <- 0.32#0.31#0.32
if ( ) {
argument.avgQuantile <- 0.35#0.35#0.36
if ( ) {
argument.upperQuantile <- 0.75

if ( ! ) {
options(latexcmd = argument.latex_path)
} else {
argument.latex_path <- "/opt/local/bin/pdflatex"
options(latexcmd = "/opt/local/bin/pdflatex")

# Extract necessary files
files <- NULL
files <- list.files(path = argument.path, pattern = "\\-dtpbc-mpf.csv$")
files <- files[files != ""]
filename <- "DTP_BC-AllNestaCases_And_Quantiles"

lfontsize <- 1.0

totaldata = NULL

# ------- READING IN DATA FROM A CSV -------------------------------------------
while ( length(files) != 0 ) {
# CSV access
data <- NULL
data <- read.csv(paste(argument.path, files[1], sep = ""), header=TRUE, sep=",")
data <- data[order(data$BetweennessNormalizedValue, decreasing = TRUE),]

# Normalize opt of mpf -> y-axis
data$OptimumSolutions <- data$OptimumSolutions / max(data$OptimumSolutions)

# Add and normalize edge ids -> x-axis
data$EdgeIndex <-
data$EdgeIndex <- data$EdgeIndex/data$NumberOfEdges

# Next file in the list
files[1] <- ""
files <- files[files != ""]

# Data frame of all data sets
totaldata <- rbind(totaldata,data)
} # while files

# ------- PROCESS DATA ---------------------------------------------------------

# Prepare data -> rounding, sorting and replace NA by 0 (not solvable instances)
totaldata$EdgeIndex <- round( totaldata$EdgeIndex, digits = 2 )
totaldata <- totaldata[ order( totaldata$EdgeIndex, decreasing = FALSE), ]
totaldata$OptimumSolutions <- replace( totaldata$OptimumSolutions,$OptimumSolutions), 0 )

# Initialize
forSeq <- c( seq(from=0,to=1,by=0.01) )
quantileData <- NULL
quantileData <- data.frame( matrix(ncol = 4, nrow = 0) )
# totaldata <- subset(totaldata, totaldata$OptimumSolutions > 0)

# Get quantiles for similar edge ids
for ( i in forSeq ) {
subtotaldata <- subset(totaldata, EdgeIndex %in% c(i) )
quantileData <- rbind(quantileData, c( i, quantile(subtotaldata$OptimumSolutions, probs=c(argument.lowerQuantile, argument.avgQuantile, argument.upperQuantile), type=5) ))

# Postprocess quantile data
colnames(quantileData) <- c("EdgeIndex", "lowerQuantile", "avgQuantile", "upperQuantile")
quantileData <- quantileData[complete.cases(quantileData), ]

totaldata$Name <- gsub("\t", "", totaldata$Name)
totaldata$Name <- gsub("dc_mpf_nesta_case", "", totaldata$Name)
#totaldata$Name = paste( "\\\\tablecase\\{", str_pad(gsub("\\D*", "", totaldata$Name ), 4, pad = "0"),str_replace(totaldata$Name,"^.[0-9]*",""), "\\}" ,sep = "")
totaldata$Name <- paste( "\\\\tablecase\\{nestacase", str_pad(gsub("\\D*", "", totaldata$Name ), 4, pad = "0"), gsub("_", "", str_replace(totaldata$Name,"^.[0-9]*","") ), "\\}" ,sep = "")
totaldata$Name <- gsub("_", "\\\\_",totaldata$Name)
totaldata <- totaldata[ order(totaldata$NumberOfVertices, totaldata$EdgeIndex) , ]

# Sample the data set using sample(data, nr, replace = FALSE, prob = NULL)
# 10 % sample produced
# if(argument.sample == TRUE){

totaldata[!duplicated(totaldata[,c('EdgeIndex', 'OptimumSolutions')]),]#EdgeIndex, OptimumSolutions
#noSamples <- nrow(totaldata)/22#3#22#23
#totaldata <- filterBySharedRegions(object = totaldata, perc.samples = 1)
#totaldata <- totaldata[sample(nrow(totaldata), noSamples, replace = TRUE),]

#plot(cluster.overplot(x, y ), main=”Using cluster.overplot”)
# }

# ------- PLOT DATA USING TIKZ -----------------------------------------------------

if ( argument.standAlone == TRUE ) { # Standalone tex
tex_output_file <- paste(argument.output, "-standalone", ".tex",sep = "")
width = 6.1,
height = 3.75,
pointsize = 8,
standAlone = TRUE)
} else { # Tikz include graphic
tex_output_file <- paste(argument.output, ".tex",sep = "")
width = 6.1,
height = 3.75,
pointsize = 8,
standAlone = FALSE)

# create extra margin room on the right for an axis
# mar=c(unten, links, oben, rechts)
par(mar=c(4,5,3.5,5.3)+.1, mgp = c(4, 0.8, 0), xpd=TRUE)
par(las=1, cex=lfontsize) # make label text perpendicular to axis

g <- ggplot( )
g + theme_gray(base_size = 14
) + theme(legend.position = "top",
axis.text.x = element_text(size=13),
axis.text.y = element_text(size=13)
# Vertical line at 0 to mark values with highest centrality
) + geom_vline( xintercept = 0,
color = KITcyanblue70,
size = 2.2,
alpha = 0.7
# Vertical line at 1 to mark values with lowest centrality
) + geom_vline( xintercept = 1,
color = KITorange70,
size = 2.2,
alpha = 0.7
# Plot background as lines
# ) + geom_line( aes(EdgeIndex, OptimumSolutions, column = Name),
# totaldata,
# colour = KITblack15
# Plot background as points
) + geom_jitter(alpha = 0.5,
aes(EdgeIndex, OptimumSolutions), #, column = Name
color = KITblack25,
position = position_jitter(width = 0.01)
# Coloring between the green curve and the blue one
) + geom_ribbon( data = subset(quantileData, 0 <= quantileData$EdgeIndex & quantileData$EdgeIndex <= 1),
aes( x = EdgeIndex,
ymin = lowerQuantile,
ymax = upperQuantile
fill = KITgreen15,
alpha = "0.7"
# Coloring between the red curve and the blue one
) + geom_ribbon( data = subset(quantileData, 0 <= quantileData$EdgeIndex & quantileData$EdgeIndex <= 1),
aes( x = EdgeIndex,
ymin = avgQuantile,
ymax = upperQuantile
fill = KITred30,
alpha = "0.7"
# 40 % quantile line
) + geom_line( aes(EdgeIndex, lowerQuantile, col=paste(argument.lowerQuantile*100, "\\%~quantile", sep = "") ),
size = 0.8
# 45 % quantile line
) + geom_line( aes(EdgeIndex, avgQuantile, col=paste(argument.avgQuantile*100, "\\%~quantile", sep = "") ),
size = 0.8
# 75 % quantile line
) + geom_line( aes(EdgeIndex, upperQuantile, col=paste(argument.upperQuantile*100, "\\%~quantile", sep = "") ),
size = 0.6
# Colors used for the lines
) + scale_color_manual(values=c(KITgreen50, KITred50, KITseablue70, KITblack02, KITblack03, KITblack04, KITblack05, KITblack06, KITblack07, KITblack08, KITblack09,
KITblack10, KITblack11, KITblack12, KITblack13, KITblack14, KITblack15, KITblack16, KITblack17,KITblack18, KITblack19, KITblack20,
KITblack21, KITblack23, KITblack25, KITblack26, KITblack27, KITblack28, KITblack29, KITblack30, KITblack31, KITblack32)
# Labels
) + labs( x = "Edges normalized by factor~$|E|$",
y = "Normalized~$\\mathsf{MPF}$ in~$\\mathrm{MW}$",
color = "NESTA Cases \\& Quantiles\n"
) + guides( col = guide_legend(title = NULL)
# Text telling that "High c-DTPBC"
) + annotate("text", x = 0.093,
y = 1.06,
label = "\\bf High $c_{\\mathsf{DTPBC}}$",
parse = FALSE,
color = KITcyanblue
# Text telling that "Low c-DTPBC"
) + annotate("text", x = 0.91,
y = 1.06,
label = "\\bf Low $c_{\\mathsf{DTPBC}}$",
parse = FALSE,
color = KITorange

# Print output path
print(paste("File written to: ",tex_output_file, sep = ""))

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