So, there's a lot of us, devs, here in Crete...
Yet, we hardly ever get together in large groups, or even know each other -- somewhat strange for our small community, we hope you'll agree.
DevStaff is an attempt at bringing us all together for informal chats about what we're all passionate about: technology and software.
(should you choose to accept it)
Join the meet up, learn, teach, speak your mind, sharpen your skills, share the knowledge and help us build a community where devs can openly exchange ideas ! Discuss issues you've faced, discover new & better ways of working (together), chat about tech (geeky) stuff, help others!
Join us [now] (!
The list of all meetups (to be) held by date:
2015-07-09 The Git Version Control System @ STEP-C, Heraklion 2015-09-10 Node.js: Building a Restful API
To make Crete a better place for devs to live and work in.