A simple classifieds app running on AngularJS 1 and data driven by Firebase. This is for learning purposes only. This project as been created originaly by Ryan Chenkie (https://github.com/chenkie). The complete series of videos an explenation around this tutorial can be found on http://codecollege.ca/courses/ultimate-angularjs-course/. "Thanks Ryan this will never been possible if you never took the time to share your knowledge — Fred".
Clone this repo and execute in your favourite shell:
npm i -g grunt-cli
to install Grunt globally (if you don't have it installed already)npm i
to install local npm dependencies
After completing installation type in your favourite shell:
grunt serve
to start a "ngClassified" app in a new browser window. App files are observed and will be re-transpiled on each changes. -
Additional information: Install LiveReload extension for Chrome if you want to benificiate of this nice feature everytime you change a file. Make sure when the ng-classifieds-app is running in the browser that you click on the livereload icon. You sould see a small black dot in the middle telling you that the link between the live reload and your app is good. (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/livereload/jnihajbhpnppcggbcgedagnkighmdlei)