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Rocket Wiki

friciwolf edited this page Jul 23, 2021 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Rocket wiki!

I'll give you here a brief overview how Rocket works and how the configuration files stored in ~/.config/rocket/ work.

If you are a newcomer, upon first running Rocket will create two configuration files: rocketstyle and rocketappgrid. The latter serves Rocket only to create a "database" of applications such that it knows whether new applications have been installed; apart from that, it could serve as a basis for future releases to store each item's positions.

The first configuration file rocketstyle however is a bit more interesting at the moment. It's file, which stores Rocket's settings related to its appearance.

The list of possible and accepted key-value pairs are:

  • background

    • background_blur_radius: this setting defines how much you would like your background to be blurred. Default value is 0 (no blurring effect).

    • use_system_wallpaper: this could be set true or false. If set true Rocket will attempt to grab your screen's wallpaper from the KDE config file ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc; if multiple candidates are found, the first one will be used (with index 0). If false or no candidates are found, an the image ~/.config/rocket/wallpaper.jpeg will be used. Default value is true.

    • wallpaper_of_screen: this setting accepts integer values >=0. If you have multiple screens with different backgrounds on each one, you can set this variable to tell Rocket which screen's wallpaper you wish to use. Beware that the original plasma configuration file could be a bit messy, so despite you have 2 screens, sometimes it's worth setting this value to 3 or 4 because plasma stored your settings that way. If use_system_wallpaper is false, this setting has no effect. Default value is 0

  • color

    • base: this is your base colour's setting in rgba (red, green, blue, alpha). It is the colour the "main boxes" have. Default value is 255,255,255,200, which results in a white theme. For a dark theme shown in the screenshots, use 0,0,0,150.

    • secondary: this is the colour the active indicator uses. Default value is 0,0,0,100, for a dark theme use 255,255,255,200.

    • selection: Rocket uses this colour to highlight elements during keyboard navigation. However, if enable_boxes is false (see below under settings), even the inactive page indicators use this colour for better visibility and harmony. Default value is 255,255,255,200, same as base.

  • dimensions

    • columns: the number of columns the grid has. Only integer numbers bigger than one are accepted. Default value is 9.

    • rows: same as columns. Default is 4.

    • vertical_orientation: this one triggers vertical scrolling. Default value is false.

  • font

    • font1: the primary font size (in points) used for the icons and the search field. Default value is 10.

    • font2: the font size used for the error message displayed if no results have been found. Default value is 20.

  • settings

    • inverted_scrolling_x: set to true this one inverts the scrolling direction horizontally, if you are using a touchpad. Default value is false.

    • inverted_scrolling_y: set to true this one inverts the scrolling direction vertically, if you are using a touchpad. Default value is false.

    • enable_boxes: set to false this setting removes the boxes around the icons and applies a blur filter on the background using the base colour. Default value is true.

    • tight_layout: if true this setting moves the icons on the last page to the centre of the screen; if false, the icons start lining up from the upper left of the screen, thereby creating some empty rows on the bottom of the screen (which I do not personally like, thus the default setting is true).

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