ex. 6 from ch 7 of CS106L course reader. Read contents of a file in a multiset. Use distance and accumulate to calculate the average of the values between 25 and 75.
ex. 7. Using remove_if and a custom callback function, write a function RemoveShortWords that accepts a vector and removes all strings of length 3 or less from it.
ex. 8. Calculate distance of a point in space to origin. Write a function DistanceToOrigin that accepts a vector and returns the distance to the origin. Use inner_product.
ex. 9. Function BiasedSort takes reference to vector and sorts it putting strings "Me First" first.
ex 10. Function CriticsPick accepts a map<string, double> of movies and their ratings and returns a set of the names of the top 10 movies in the map.
ex. 12. Use generate_n, rand and back_inserter to populate a vector with a specified number of random values. Then use accumulate to compute the average of the range.
ex. 13. Write a function to calculate median using nth_element algorithm.
ex. 14. Use copy, istreambuf_iterator, ostreambuf_iterator to open a file and print its content to cout.