The Shopping List App is an Android application that allows users to create and manage their shopping lists. It provides features for adding items, checking off completed items, editing item names, and clearing the list.
- 📝 Create and manage shopping lists.
- ➕ Add new items to the list.
- ✅ Check off completed items.
- ✏️ Edit item names for customization.
- 🗑️ Clear the entire list with a single action.
- 🏗️ Built using the Clean Architecture principles for maintainability and testability.
- 🔗 Utilizes the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture for separation of concerns.
- 🌱 Implements the Hilt dependency injection framework for improved modularity and testability.
- 🏢 Clean Architecture
- 🌐 Hilt Dependency Injection
- 🚀 Kotlin programming language
- 🏛️ Android Architecture Components: ViewModel, LiveData
- 💾 Room Persistence Library
- ⏱️ Coroutines for asynchronous programming
- 🎨 Material Components for Android
For any questions or inquiries, feel free to reach out to [email protected].