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SCML (Sound Change Markup Language)

Frederic Bayer edited this page Jul 25, 2021 · 3 revisions

SCML is the language you use to tell Pyphon what sound changes you would like to apply. This page details the SCML specification.

See below for a working draft of the XML schema that defines SCML.

<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="">


Below is an example SCML file:

<scml def="scml.xsd">
    <!-- After completing the following stage, Pyphon will output stage1.csv -->
    <stage id=1>
        <!-- The following change lowers and unrounds any vowels that appear after a sonorant+plosive sequence -->
        <change id=1 affects="{vowel}" position="{sonorant}{plosive}_">
            <process type="rel">+lower</process>
            <process type="rel">-round</process>
        <!-- The following change turns every /n/ into an /m/ if followed by a /p/ -->
        <change id=2 affects="n" position="_p">
            <process type="abs">m</process>
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