Code Camp about using Akka Streams via its Java DSL.
Kafka is used to persist streams.
Open a shell and go to the root directory of this project.
Set the variable SERVER_IP_OR_HOST in your shell to:
- localhost if you are using Linux or Windows
- the IP of your machine if you are using Docker for Mac
by using the command export SERVER_IP_OR_HOST=<value>
In the source code change constants.Constants.KAFKA_IP_OR_HOST
to the same value.
Launch with the command docker-compose up -d
Use the command described at
docker exec -ti codecamp-akka-streams-java-kafka-01-c /usr/bin/kafka-topics --list --zookeeper codecamp-akka-streams-java-zookeeper4kafka-01-s:44776
docker exec -ti codecamp-akka-streams-java-kafka-01-c /usr/bin/kafka-topics --describe --zookeeper codecamp-akka-streams-java-zookeeper4kafka-01-s:44776 -topic kata06-topic
docker exec -ti codecamp-akka-streams-java-kafka-01-c /usr/bin/kafka-topics --create --zookeeper codecamp-akka-streams-java-zookeeper4kafka-01-s:44776 --topic kata06-topic --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1
docker-compose down -v
docker-compose down