This is a collection of the textmate themes I have installed. A few I created, but most I've scarfed off of the interwebs. Of the ones I know/remember I'll try to document their source here.
I have this repo set up as my themes directory. To set that up for yourself, follow these steps:
- cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate
- rm -rf Themes (make sure you save any existing themes you have first)
- git clone git clone [email protected]:jwhitmire/tm-themes.git Themes
- Bespin by Michael Diolosa
- Black Pearl by Andrew Witte
- Black Pearl II by Andrew Witte
- Django by Jannis Leidel
- Django (Smoothy) by [email protected]
- Dominion Day
- RubyBlue by John Long
- Whys Poignant from Why's Poignant Guide
Themes by mediaupstream:
Themes by mig:
- All Hallow's Eve Custom
- Blackboard Black
- Bongzilla
- Espresso Tutti
- Espresso
- Freckle
- Friendship Bracelet
- Merbivore
- Merbivore Soft
- Pastie
- Putty
- Tubster
- Vibrant Ink
- Vibrant Tango