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Renamed bug.yml and config.yml files in the .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE directory to issue_templates directory. Added new lines to the AppInit.php file in the Fuelviews\AppInit namespace. The changes were made to improve file organization and add functionality to the AppInit class. #33

Renamed bug.yml and config.yml files in the .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE directory to issue_templates directory. Added new lines to the AppInit.php file in the Fuelviews\AppInit namespace. The changes were made to improve file organization and add functionality to the AppInit class.

Renamed bug.yml and config.yml files in the .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE directory to issue_templates directory. Added new lines to the AppInit.php file in the Fuelviews\AppInit namespace. The changes were made to improve file organization and add functionality to the AppInit class. #33