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Releases: funfix/funfix.js


09 Mar 09:08
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Nothing new since v7.0.0-rc3, this is just a promotion of the latest release candidate to a stable release.

The theme of this major version release is maximum compatibility with the ecosystem:

  1. exports funfix-types in a new and lighter Funland project
  2. exports static-land modules
  3. exports fantasy-land namespaced methods
  4. changes the higher-kinded encoding to be compatible with fp-ts

List of changes:


  • Fix #93 — reboot funfix-types, move to new Funland project, the data types now being compatible with the static-land and fantasy-land specs (breaking)
  • Fix #104 — change the higher-kinded types encoding to be compatible with fp-ts (breaking)
  • Fix #97 — add Future.forEach method, thanks to @alvaroc1
  • Fix #105 — add the Applicative apply (ap) method on all data types
  • Fix #106 — add the Either.pure builder
  • Fix #107 — add disjunction types corresponding to data constructors for usage with type guards

Build chores:

  • Fix #103 — updates TypeScript to 2.7
  • Fix #102 — turn off --excludeNotExported in TypeDoc invocation until issue is fixed — error is happening after upgrade to latest version, which is needed due to the upgrade to TypeScript 2.7
  • Fix #108 — configure build to support pre-release versions
  • Fix #109 — reconfigure main funfix project to not bundle dependencies


WARN: version 7.0.0 contains breaking changes and I cannot guarantee API stability at this point. That said, Funfix has 100% test coverage, as usual, so the potential for new bugs is small.

In order to install this release candidate:

yarn add funfix@next

Or if using npm:

npm install --save funfix@next



18 Feb 20:33
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v7.0.0-rc.3 Pre-release

Quick follow-up to v7.0.0-rc.2.


This release fixes issue #109 — reconfigures main funfix project to not bundle dependencies.


WARN: version 7.0.0 contains breaking changes and I cannot guarantee API stability at this point. That said, Funfix has 100% test coverage, as usual, so the potential for new bugs is small.

In order to install this release candidate:

yarn add funfix@next

Or if using npm:

npm install --save funfix@next



18 Feb 19:00
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v7.0.0-rc.2 Pre-release

Release candidate for the upcoming 7.0.0.

The theme of this release is maximum compatibility with the ecosystem:

  1. exports funfix-types in a new and lighter Funland project
  2. exports static-land modules
  3. exports fantasy-land namespaced methods
  4. changes the higher-kinded encoding to be compatible with fp-ts

List of changes:


  • Fix #93 — reboot funfix-types, move to new Funland project, the data types now being compatible with the static-land and fantasy-land specs (breaking)
  • Fix #104 — change the higher-kinded types encoding to be compatible with fp-ts (breaking)
  • Fix #97 — add Future.forEach method, thanks to @alvaroc1
  • Fix #105 — add the Applicative apply (ap) method on all data types
  • Fix #106 — add the Either.pure builder
  • Fix #107 — add disjunction types corresponding to data constructors for usage with type guards

Build chores:

  • Fix #103 — updates TypeScript to 2.7
  • Fix #102 — turn off --excludeNotExported in TypeDoc invocation until issue is fixed — error is happening after upgrade to latest version, which is needed due to the upgrade to TypeScript 2.7
  • Fix #108 — configure build to support pre-release versions


WARN: version 7.0.0 contains breaking changes and I cannot guarantee API stability at this point. That said, Funfix has 100% test coverage, as usual, so the potential for new bugs is small.

In order to install this release candidate:

yarn add funfix@next

Or if using npm:

npm install --save funfix@next



16 Oct 13:01
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Minor fixes:

  • Fixes IO docs in PR 61
  • Removes extraneous type param on in PR 65


11 Oct 07:21
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Release for PR #57:

  • introduces FutureMaker, a Future builder`
  • fixes the implementation to not introduce memory leaks in flatMap chains (doing what would be tail-calls optimizations / TCO, but for Future's flatMap) — see details on the PR


29 Sep 11:07
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Fixes issue #52 with PR #55.

Provides bundles compatible with ES5 + ES2015 modules (instead of UMD / CommonJS). This allows tools like Webpack to work without requiring a separate Babel-enabled compilation step or other expensive setup.

See the PR's description for more details.


31 Aug 10:01
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Patch release:

  1. after configuring the multi-project setup, the semantic-release setup I had no longer worked; I now configured Travis for automatic publishing on whenever I manually tag a version, this being the first published version in the new config
  2. edited the JSDoc for IO, fixing some typos and adding details on laziness and cancellation, see the published docs here:


30 Aug 10:43
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The highlights of this release:

  • project is now modular
  • introduced IO<A>, probably the best Promise alternative in JavaScript's ecosystem
  • added Comonad and CoflatMap type-classes
  • made Eval implement Comonad, while removing error handling capabilities from it and now also has sequence and map2, map3, etc

Full list of changes:

  • PR #36: made project a "monorepo", splitting the main project into sub-projects, for à la carte dependency management, although you can still depend just on funfix and get everything; the new sub-projects are:
    • funfix-core
    • funfix-exec
    • funfix-effect
    • funfix-types
    • funfix
  • PR #37: added ExecutionModel (funfix-exec) for batched processing, see issue description for more details
  • PR #38: added IO<A> (in funfix-effect) as the lazy, lawful, Promise-alternative, which comes in addition to Future<A> (in funfix-exec), complementing it
  • PR #40: Eval<A> (in funfix-effect) no longer implements error handling capabilities, or MonadError (this is because Eval must now implement Comonad, which is incompatible with MonadError)
  • PR #43: added CoflatMap and Comonad type classes in funfix-effect, along with instances (Eval implements Comonad, whereas all other data types implement CoflatMap)
  • PR #44: removed Either.left() and Either.right(), because those are not total functions, being a booby-trap for beginners
  • PR #45: added Eval.sequence, along with map2, map3...map6


21 Aug 17:36
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4.5.0 (2017-08-21)


  • exec: Add Future ops - sequence, firstCompletedOf, traverse, timeout (#35) (1d357b6)


21 Aug 08:10
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4.4.0 (2017-08-21)


  • exec: MultiAssignCancelable.clear (85b2967)