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Adapter Configuration

DerPilz edited this page Sep 21, 2022 · 10 revisions

How To configure the adapter



  • Technical name: Short description for the sawtooth (do not use blanks or similar in name). This name will be used in objects view
  • Description: Description, just for better understanding.

Use (+) to add a new sawtooth and (x) to delete one.


After 1 minute the following objects would be created:


  • currentValue = actual Value of the increment (could be written also, if readOnly was set to false)
  • increment = the number will be added or removed (if less than 0) each run. One run is once a minute
  • lastValue = for internal use, do not change it!
  • maxValue = the maximum Value. currentValue wont go higher than that value
  • minValue = the minimum Value, currentValue wont go lower than that value
  • readOnly = if set to true, the currentValue could not be changed from outside, only from the adapter itself
  • reset = if set to yes (or if pushed) the currentValue would be set to ether minValue or maxValue (as configured by resetMode)
  • resetMode = configures if the currentValue should be set to minValue or maxValue as soon as reset was pushed
  • bounceMode = what to do, if boundaries (maxValue/minValue) are reached:
    • Stay = stay at the value
    • JumpToOtherEnd = Jump from Min-Value to Max-Value and vice/versa
    • InvertIncrement = Flip Increment from positive to negative value (turn increasing sawtooth to decreasing one and vice/versa)
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