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A simple and lightweight official AngularJS component for FusionCharts JavaScript charting library. angularjs-fusioncharts enables you to add JavaScript charts in your AngularJS application without any hassle.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


  • Node.js, NPM/Yarn installed globally in your OS.
  • You've an AngularJS Application.
  • FusionCharts installed in your project, as detailed below:


To install angularjs-fusioncharts library, run:

$ npm install angularjs-fusioncharts --save

To install fusioncharts library:

$ npm install fusioncharts --save

Quick Start

Step 1: Include angular-fusioncharts.js and fusioncharts

In your index.html

  <script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/fusioncharts/fusioncharts.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/fusioncharts/fusioncharts.charts.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/fusioncharts/themes/fusioncharts.theme.fusion.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/angular/angular.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/angularjs-fusioncharts/dist/angular-fusioncharts.js"></script>

Step 2: Include ng-fusioncharts in your module

In the app, include ng-fusioncharts as a dependency. If you looking for where to add the dependency, look for the call to angular.module in your code.

angular.module('myApp', ['ng-fusioncharts']);

Step 3: Add the fusioncharts directive

In your HTML, find the section where you wish to add the chart and add a

with the fusioncharts directive. We are assuming it's inside a controller called MyController which would change based on your usage.

  <body ng-app='myApp'>
    <div  ng-controller="MyController">

Step 4: Populate required variables in controller

In the previous code, we are binding to a scope variable myDataSource, but that hasn't been defined yet. In your controller, set the DataSource as you would for a regular FusionCharts JSON format DataSource (see this tutorial for a general introduction to this format).

app.controller('MyController', function($scope) {
  $scope.dataSource = {
    chart: {
      caption: 'Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]',
      subCaption: 'In MMbbl = One Million barrels',
      xAxisName: 'Country',
      yAxisName: 'Reserves (MMbbl)',
      numberSuffix: 'K',
      theme: 'fusion'
    data: [
      { label: 'Venezuela', value: '290' },
      { label: 'Saudi', value: '260' },
      { label: 'Canada', value: '180' },
      { label: 'Iran', value: '140' },
      { label: 'Russia', value: '115' },
      { label: 'UAE', value: '100' },
      { label: 'US', value: '30' },
      { label: 'China', value: '30' }

And your chart should display when you load the page.

Using require() syntax

In script.js

//  Require AngularJS
var angular = require('angular');

// Require FusionCharts
var FusionCharts = require('fusioncharts');

// Include angularjs-fusioncharts

// Require Chart modules
var Charts = require('fusioncharts/fusioncharts.charts');

// Initialize Charts with FusionCharts instance

var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ng-fusioncharts']);

app.controller('MyController', [
  function($scope) {
    $scope.dataSource = {
      chart: {
        caption: 'Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]',
        subCaption: 'In MMbbl = One Million barrels',
        xAxisName: 'Country',
        yAxisName: 'Reserves (MMbbl)',
        numberSuffix: 'K'
      data: [
        { label: 'Venezuela', value: '290' },
        { label: 'Saudi', value: '260' },
        { label: 'Canada', value: '180' },
        { label: 'Iran', value: '140' },
        { label: 'Russia', value: '115' },
        { label: 'UAE', value: '100' },
        { label: 'US', value: '30' },
        { label: 'China', value: '30' }

Use a bundler like browserify to bundle the script
See the installation docs here

$ browserify script.js -o bundle.js

In index.html


    <!-- Include compiled bundle in script tag -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="./bundle.js"></script>

  <body ng-app="myApp">
    <div ng-controller="MyController">

Load it in browser , Chart should get displayed

Working with Events

Fusincharts events can be subscribed by attaching scope functions to event attributes. All the events attributes start with fcevent- followed by the event name in lowercase

Usage in template :

  fcevent-dataplotrollover="rollover(event, args)">

In the given above template, rollover is the scope function that needs to be defined in the controller's code.

For more on this read here

var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ng-fusioncharts']);

app.controller('MyController', function($scope) {
  $scope.myDataSource = {
    chart: {
      caption: 'Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]',
      subCaption: 'In MMbbl = One Million barrels',
      xAxisName: 'Country',
      yAxisName: 'Reserves (MMbbl)',
      numberSuffix: 'K',
      theme: 'fusion'
    data: [
      { label: 'Venezuela', value: '290' },
      { label: 'Saudi', value: '260' },
      { label: 'Canada', value: '180' },
      { label: 'Iran', value: '140' },
      { label: 'Russia', value: '115' },
      { label: 'UAE', value: '100' },
      { label: 'US', value: '30' },
      { label: 'China', value: '30' }

  $scope.rollover = function(event, data) {
    console.log(event, data);

Get the list of fusioncharts' events

Working with APIs

FusionCharts chart instance is made available from the initialized event. It provides the chart instance as a parameter which can be used to call FusionCharts methods.

In template, we add initialized event

<button ng-click="changeCaption()">Change Chart Caption</button>

In order to use the chart instance, we need to store it.

var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ng-fusioncharts']);

app.controller('MyController', function($scope){
    var chart;
    $scope.datasource = {
       ...// same data as above

      $scope.onInitialized = function(chartObj){
        chart = chartObj;

      $scope.changeCaption = function(){
          chart.setChartAttribute('caption', 'Caption changed');

In the given above example, clicking the button changes the caption text to Caption changed

Get the list of fusioncharts' methods

Usage and integration of FusionTime

From [email protected] and [email protected], You can visualize timeseries data easily with angular.

Learn more about FusionTime here.

Sample code for FusionTime

If you've included angular-fusioncharts.js and fusioncharts in your html then add the following script tag:

In your index.html

  <script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/fusioncharts/fusioncharts.timeseries.js"></script>

In your script.js

// If you haven't imported angulajs, angularjs-fusioncharts and fusioncharts in your html file and used require() syntax instead then add the following code from START to END:

var angular = require('angular');
var FusionCharts = require('fusioncharts');

// Require TimeSeries module
var TimeSeries = require('fusioncharts/fusioncharts.timeseries');

// Initialize Charts with FusionCharts instance
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ng-fusioncharts']);
// END

var jsonify = res => res.json();
var dataFetch = fetch(
var schemaFetch = fetch(

var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ng-fusioncharts']);

app.controller('MyController', function($scope) {
  $scope.dataSource = {
    data: null,
    caption: {
      text: 'Sales Analysis'
    subcaption: {
      text: 'Grocery'
    yAxis: [
        plot: {
          value: 'Grocery Sales Value',
          type: 'line'
        format: {
          prefix: '$'
        title: 'Sale Value'

  Promise.all([dataFetch, schemaFetch]).then(res => {
    const data = res[0];
    const schema = res[1];
    const fusionTable = new FusionCharts.DataStore().createDataTable(
    $scope.$apply(function() {
      $ = fusionTable;

Use a bundler like browserify to bundle the script
See the installation docs here

$ browserify script.js -o bundle.js

Again in your index.html

    <!-- Include compiled bundle in script tag -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="./bundle.js"></script>

  <body ng-app="myApp">
    <div ng-controller="MyController">
        // When using TimeSeries pass your dataSource in "datasource-dt" attribute not in "datasource".

Important note :- If the chart's datasource has an instance of dataStore like in case of timeseries then you must use the new datasource-dt attribute for passing the data in html

Useful links for FusionTime

Special Note

If you want to support your application on IE(11 and below), then you need to take following steps:


You have to update your angularjs-fusioncharts and fusioncharts modules to latest versions. For angularjs-fusioncharts install v5.0.1 and above; for fusioncharts install v3.13.3-sr.1 and above.


In your template, modify your code like so,

  // Instead of passing data in datasouce, use datasource-dt.

For Contributors

  • Clone the repository and install dependencies
$ git clone
$ cd angularjs-fusioncharts
$ npm i
$ npm run dev

Going Beyond Charts

  • Explore 20+ pre-built business specific dashboards for different industries like energy and manufacturing to business functions like sales, marketing and operations here.
  • See Data Stories built using FusionCharts’ interactive JavaScript visualizations and learn how to communicate real-world narratives through underlying data to tell compelling stories.


The FusionCharts AngularJS integration component is open-source and distributed under the terms of the MIT/X11 License. However, you will need to download and include FusionCharts library in your page separately, which has a separate license.